Survival (A) and average radiance (B) of hCD19TGTg/0 mice after undergoing a lethal irradiation prior to receiving C57BL/6 bone marrow (BM), BM with hCD19 TBL12luc cells, or BM with hCD19 TBL12luc cells and either tEGFR or hCAR19 Tregs or CTLs. CTLs in this experiment were CD8+ T cells. Survival: BM, n = 10; hCD19 TBL12luc, n = 9; tEGFR Tregs, n = 11; hCAR19 Tregs, n = 9; tEGFR CTLs, n = 11; hCAR19 CTLs, n = 12. Data are pooled from 2 independent experiments. Average radiance: BM, n = 6; hCD19 TBL12luc, n = 6; tEGFR Tregs, n = 7; hCAR19 Tregs, n = 6; tEGFR CTLs, n = 6; hCAR19 CTLs, n = 7. Only 3–4 mice were imaged per group. Data are pooled from 2 independent experiments. (C) Representative images of hCD19TGTg/0 mice on day 7 and 14 after syngeneic HSCT. D7 radiance scale: 10-60 x 106; D14 radiance scale: 0.2-1 x 109. Student’s t test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparison was used for statistical analysis. Log rank test was used to analyze survival curves. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean. *:<0.5; **: <0.01; ***:<0.001; ****:<0.0001.