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. 2022 Sep 13;56(19):13709–13718. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c02648

Table 3. Exact Mass of TRIAC vs the Accurate Masses by LC–QToF–MS in the Site2_Sep Samplea.

exact mass (M-COOH) accurate mass (M-COOH) Δ value (exact – accurate) mass error (ppm)
576.7658 576.7658 (±0.00017) 0.0002 (±0.000047) 0.3 (±0.082)

Exact mass means a theoretical value calculated from a molecular formula. Accurate mass is acquired by measurement using QToF–MS. Δ value is the difference between the exact mass and the accurate mass. Mass error is parts per million (ppm) of the Δ value. All values except for the exact mass are represented as the mean of three replicates (n = 3). M is a molecule; it is TRIAC (C14H9I3O4 = 621.7635). “M-COOH” means desorption of “COOH” from a molecule. Each mass spectrum including the accurate mass has been shown in Figure S2.