Question | Concept | Response Type |
Can opioid medications make you dizzy or sleepy even when they are taken as prescribed by your doctor? If you do not know how much of an opioid medication to take, is it ok to ask your friends? Can taking too much of an opioid medication cause you to pass out? Is it safe to drive a car or supervise children after you have taken your prescribed amount of opioid medication? Is constipation a sign of opioid medication dependence or addiction? Can opioid medications cause harm when not used as prescribed by your doctor? Can extra opioid medications be shared with your friends if they are in pain? If you take an opioid medication correctly, can there still be side effects? Is the opioid crisis harming teenagers in the U.S.? |
Opioid knowledge | Yes; No; Don’t know |
Should prescription opioids be stored … in the medicine cabinet? Should prescription opioids be stored … in an unlocked drawer or cabinet? Should prescription opioids be stored … in a purse or handbag? Should prescription opioids be stored … in a locked place, such as a lock box, safe, or locked drawer? |
Safe Storage | |
Should you get rid of unused prescription opioids by … throwing them in the trash? Should you get rid of unused prescription opioids by … dropping them off in a disposal box? Should you get rid of unused prescription opioids by … flushing them down the toilet? Should you get rid of unused prescription opioids by … putting them in cat litter or coffee grinds? Should you get rid of unused prescription opioids by … taking them to a pharmacy, doctor, or hospital? Should you get rid of unused prescription opioids by … putting them down the sink/disposal? |
Safe Disposal | |
How much do you know about … how to use an opioid medication safely? How much do you know about … what counts as misuse of an opioid medication? How much do you know about … the harmful effects of misusing opioids? How much do you know about … how to store opioids safely? How much do you know about … what you should do in situations involving an opioid overdose? How much do you know about … how to dispose of opioids safely? |
Perceived knowledge | Likert: 1, none; 2, a little; 3, some; 4, quite a bit; 5, a great deal |
It is easy for me to ask my parent questions about safe opioid use. It is easy for me to understand my parent’s instructions for using opioids safely. It is easy for me to understand instructions on how to safely manage opioids. It is easy for me to get all the information I need about safe opioid use. |
Self-Efficacy: MUSE | Agreement scale: 1, strongly disagree; 2, slightly disagree; 3, neutral; 4, slightly agree; 5, strongly agree |
How confident are you that you can … use opioid medication as directed? know where your medication is at all times? store your medication in a locked area? dispose of your medication in a drop box? tell a friend no if they ask to share your medication? only take medication that was prescribed for you? encourage others to use opioids safely? |
Self-Efficacy: learning objectives | Confidence scale: 1, not at all confident; 2, slightly; 3, somewhat; 4, very; 5, extremely confident |
How much harm does misuse of opioids do to a person’s … physical health? How much harm does misuse of opioids do to a person’s … mental health? How much harm does misuse of opioids do to a person’s … ability to do well in school? How much harm does misuse of opioids do to a person’s … relationships with their family? How much harm does misuse of opioids do to a person’s … relationships with their peers or friends? |
Misuse harm | Likert: 1, none; 2, a little; 3, some; 4, quite a bit; 5, a great deal |
Is someone misusing opioids if … they return their unused opioid medication to the pharmacy when it expires? Is someone misusing opioids if … they use their prescribed opioid after it expires? Is someone misusing opioids if … they use someone else’s opioid medication? Is someone misusing opioids if … they use opioids more often than their prescription calls for? Is someone misusing opioids if … they share their opioid medications with others? Is someone misusing opioids if … they take their opioid medication for a reason different than what it was prescribed for? Is it okay to take someone else’s opioid medication if you have had the same prescription in the past? |
Misuse behavior | Yes; No; Don’t know |
Have you heard of the drug naloxone (Narcan)? (if yes) Is Naloxone (Narcan) used to … reverse only heroin overdoses? (if yes) Is Naloxone (Narcan) used to … help heroin users detox? (if yes) Is Naloxone (Narcan) used to … reverse any opioid overdose? |
Narcan knowledge | Yes; No, If ‘Yes’ to first question, then ‘Yes; No; Don’t know’ to additional questions. |
How likely are you to do the following? use opioid medication as directed? know where my medication is at all times? store my medication in a locked area? dispose of my medication in a drop box? share my medication with a friend in need? take medication that was prescribed for someone else? encourage others to use opioids safely? |
Behavioral intent | Likelihood scale: 1, not at all; 2, slightly; 3, somewhat; 4, very; 5, extremely likely |
After playing an educational video game, would you feel as though your knowledge about opioid medication safety would increase? | Perceived game effect | Yes; No |
Please select “a great deal.” This question is to make sure you are still paying attention. This is to make sure you are still paying attention. Please select “somewhat.” |
Attention check | As directed in the question |
Year in school - Gender Age |
Demographics | 7th - 12th grade 1, Female; 2, Male; 3, Transgender; 4, Nonbinary; 5, Other 12–18 years old |
How many kids under 18 live in your household? Do not count yourself. | Insert Number | |
Race/ethnicity | 1, American Indian or Alaskan Native; 2, Asian; 3, Black or African American; 4, Hispanic or Latinx; 5, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; 6, White or Caucasian; 7, Other: Please specify |