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. 2022 Oct 6;12:16788. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-21110-w

Table 1.

Effect size (%) of ecophysiological parameters relative to controls (LN; ~ 0.6 μM NO3, no warming). Bold values indicate significant differences to controls (LN) and values in brackets indicate effect size relative to low nitrate-treated colonies exposed to warming (LN + W). Pgross = gross photosynthesis, R = respiration, C:N = carbon to nitrogen ratio, %N/C = percent nitrogen/carbon of tissue dry weight.

Warming NO3 (μM) Pulsation rate Pgross R Symbiont density Chl a content Colour score C:N % N % C
Red Green Blue


(Day 15–17 )

6  + 3 −11  + 16 −17  + 75 0 0 0 −10  + 6 −12
37 −34 −56  + 19 −10  + 168 −4  + 16  + 29 −28  + 23 −18

 + 5 °C

(Day 37)

0.6 −45  + 15  + 35 −12  + 29 0 0 0 −9  + 18  + 8








(+ 1)

 + 59

(+ 23)



 + 2

(+ 2)

 + 4

(+ 4)



 + 22

(+ 3)

 + 2









 + 36

(+ 54)

 + 81

(+ 40)



 + 25

(+ 25)

 + 44

(+ 44)



 + 58

(+ 34)

 + 10

(+ 2)