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. 2022 Sep 23;9:942620. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.942620


Summary of General information and quality assessment of the included literature.

References Country n Age (years) 3D-STI parameter Chemotherapy protocol Accompanying diseases Echo timing Vendor Workstation NOS score
Chen et al. (7) China 83 49.25 ± 8.75 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Epirubicin,
Pre- and 6-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 EchoPAC 110 8
Santoro et al. (8) Italy 100 48.60 ± 11.10 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Fluoruracile,
Pre- and 6-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 EchoPAC 110.1.1 6
Piveta et al. (9) Israel 47 48.70 ± 10.80 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Anthracyclines Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 7
Ruan et al. (10) China 60 53.20 ± 9.60 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Epirubicin,
Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 EchoPAC 201 8
Wang et al. (11) China 46 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Anthracyclines Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E95 EchoPAC 6
Chen et al. (12) China 63 47.60 ± 8.26 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Doxorubicin,
Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 EchoPAC 110 7
Chen et al. (13) China 83 49.25 ± 8.18 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Epirubicin,
Pre- and 6-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 Echopac 110.1.1 7
McGowan et al. (21) China 50 51.60 ± 9.60 GLS, GCS, GRS, LVEF Epirubicin,
Pre- and 6-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 EchoPAC 8
Stoodley et al. (15) Australia 52 49.00 ± 9.00 GLS, GCS, GRS, LVEF Doxorubicin (77%), epirubicin (23%) Hypercholesterolemia 21%, hypertension 25%, diabetes 4%, Ischemic heart disease 6% Pre- and 6-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid 7 EchoPAC 6.0 6
Xue et al. (16) China 46 50.80 ± 10.40 GLS, GCS, GRS, LVEF Anthracyclines Pre- and 6-cycle post-anthracycline Philips IE33 Qlab8.0 7
Chen et al. (17) China 60 57.60 ± 8.26 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Epirubicin,
Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid95 EchoPAC 201 6
Zhang et al. (18) China 32 49.00 ± 6.00 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Fluoruracile,
Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline Toshiba Artida SSH-880 CV 7
Zhang et al. (19) China 40 44.00 ± 10.00 GLS, GCS, GRS, GAS, LVEF Doxorubicin,
Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid E9 EchoPAC 6
Sawaya et al. (20) USA 43 49.00 ± 10.00 GLS, GCS, GRS, LVEF Doxorubicin (91%), epirubicin (9%) Hypertension 28%, hypercholesterolemia 19%, diabetes 2% Pre- and 4-cycle post-anthracycline GE Vivid 7/E9 EchoPAC 6

“-,” Means not mentioned in the literature; Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation; GLS, global longitudinal strain; GCS, global circumferential strain; GRS, global radial strain; GAS, global area strain; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.