Fig. 2.
Characteristics of fusion mass in the postoperative period. (A) Fusion mass on a 1-month postoperative plain radiograph. (B) A 12-month postoperative plain radiograph showed a more prominent fusion mass on the rhBMP-2 site. (C) Fusion mass on a 6-month postoperative CT scan. Although fusion mass was detected at both sites, patients with the HA carrier showed suspicious nonunion lesion of fusion mass (arrow). (D) Fusion mass on a 12-month postoperative CT scan. Continuity of fused mass is more prominent and uniformly observed at the rhBMP-2 than at the control site. Defect of fusion mass at the control site is still noted (arrow). CT, computed tomography; rhBMP-2, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2; HA, hydroxyapatite.