Questions | FoPNL |
Control | Octagon | Triangle | Magnifying glass | |
Average (SD) | Average (SD) | Average (SD) | Average (SD) | |
(1) I am very worried about how healthy foods are. | 6.03 (1.06)a | 6.06 (1.13)a | 5.90 (1.28)a,b | 5.68 (1.24)b |
(2) I always follow a healthy and balanced diet. | 5.21 (1.36)b | 4.90 (1.52)a,b | 4.67 (1.62)a | 4.84 (1.45)a,b |
(3) It is important for me that my diet is low in fat. | 5.47 (1.55)a | 5.17 (1.65)a,b | 4.81 (1.76)b | 4.87 (1.65)b |
(4) It is important for me that my daily diet contain many vitamins and minerals. | 6.28 (0.98)a | 6.10 (1.24)a,b | 5.97 (1.22)b | 6.02 (1.03)a,b |
(5) I eat what I like and I DO NOT worry about how healthy the food is. | 3.13 (2.04)a | 3.39 (1.96)a | 3.26 (2.01)a | 3.23 (1.72)a |
(6) How healthy the food is has little impact on my choices. | 3.26 (2.07)a | 3.30 (2.04)a | 3.51 (2.00)a | 3.38 (1.87)a |
(7) How healthy snacks are does not make any difference for me. | 3.19 (1.99)a | 3.09 (1.91)a | 3.23 (1.97)a | 3.18 (1.88)a |
(8) I DO NOT avoid any food, even those that may elevate my cholesterol. | 2.81 (1.98)a | 3.25 (2.05)a | 2.91 (1.84)a | 2.89 (1.77)a |
Different letters on the same line indicate a significant difference using the Tukey’s test (p < 0.050).