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. 2022 Sep 6:10.1111/hsc.13992. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13992


Participant demographics (N = 1364)

N % M SD
Under 30s 196 14.4 27.25 11.69
30s 264 19.4
40s 374 27.4
50s 435 31.9
60s 94 6.9
70+ 1 0.1
Male 166 12.2
Female 1178 86.4
Other 20 1.5
NHS 634 46.9
Local Authority 349 25.8
Statutory 44 3.3
Voluntary 83 6.1
H&SC Partnership 44 3.3
Other 124 9.1
Multiple 75 5.5
High School 137 10
College 329 24.1
University 844 61.9
Other 54 4
Years of work experience
0–15 691 50.7 16.53 11.27
16–30 35.7 35.7
31–45 181 13.3
46–51 5 0.4
Existing health problems
Diagnosed mental health problem 246 18.1
Long‐term health problem 152 11.2
Other 65 4.8
Multiple 145 10.7
None 717 52.6
Prefer not to say 36 2.6
Had COVID 19‐related symptoms
Previously had 395 29
Had at time of survey completion 36 2.6
No 930 68.3
Been diagnosed with COVID 19
Previously had 177 8.6
Had at time of survey completion 15 1.1
No 1228 90.3
Able to work from home
Yes 486 36.3
No 634 46.5
Sometimes 218 16

Note: Percentages are valid percentages due to missing data.