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. 2022 May 11;146(2):110–125. doi: 10.1111/acps.13442


Demographic and trauma‐related predictors (total trauma score) and latent class membership (adjusted odds ratios)

Predictor Class 2: CPTSD OR (95% CI) Class 3: DSO OR (95% CI) Class 4: Partial‐PTSD OR (95% CI)
Parent GHQ (caseness) 1.176 (0.520, 2.658) 0.754 (0.313, 1.818) 1.670 (0.869, 3.208)
Out‐of‐home care 1.284 (0.412, 4.007) 0.324 (0.022, 4.782) 1.212 (0.400, 3.676)
Special education needs 3.143* (1.318, 7.495) 0.520 (0.126, 2.150) 1.826 (0.791, 4.215)
Parent ACE (≥4) 1.087 (0.440, 2.686) 1.219 (0.440, 3.375) 0.453* (0.152, 1.355)
Age 1.230* (1.067, 1.417) 1.158* (1.012, 1.324) 1.187** (1.056, 1.335)
Living with both parents 0.667 (0.320, 1.387) 0.620 (0.314, 1.222) 0.933 (0.510, 1.707)
Family in receipt of social welfare 0.904 (0.419, 1.954) 1.435 (0.685, 3.003) 0.846 (0.454, 1.578)
Gender (female) 3.327* (1.671, 6.624) 1.319 (0.700, 2.486) 1.867* (1.065, 3.273)
MDM decile (area level deprivation) 0.957 (0.845, 1.084) 1.203** (1.070, 1.353) 0.948 (0.858, 1.047)
Total trauma score 1.587** (1.287, 1.956) 1.511** (1.217, 1.876) 1.377** (1.146, 1.655)

Note: Class 1 (Baseline) is the reference category. *Significant at p < 0.05, **significant at p < 0.01.

Abbreviations: ACE, adverse childhood experiences; GHQ, general health questionnaire (i.e., mental health); MDM decile, multiple deprivation decile (i.e., area‐level deprivation).