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. 2022 Apr 25;31(5):e13601. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13601


Results of the linear regression model for symptom scales and functional scales for which patients sought supportive care associated with the summary quality of life scores at inclusion and change in quality of life scores after 6 months

Variables Quality of life scores at inclusion (n = 197) Change in quality of life scores after 6 months (n = 152)
Coefficient SE p value 95% CI Coefficient SE p value 95% CI
Intercept 85.77 a 1.18 <0.001*** 83.45 to 88.10 4.09 b 1.07 <0.001 *** 1.99 to 6.20
Gender (male) 4.14 1.37 0.003 ** 1.43 to 6.85 1.49 1.27 0.24 −1.02 to 4.01
Age c 0.12 0.07 0.11 −0.02 to 0.26 0.12 0.06 0.06 −0.01 to 0.24
Time after surgery (months) d 0.27 0.07 <0.001 *** 0.13 to 0.42 −0.01 0.07 0.90 −0.15 to 0.13
Chemotherapy −5.37 1.50 <0.001 *** −8.33 to −2.41 0.41 1.39 0.77 −2.33 to 3.15
Quality of life at inclusion e −0.45 0.07 <0.001 *** −0.60 to −0.30
Quality of life at inclusion * chemotherapy f −0.26 0.11 0.02 * −0.48 to −0.04
Sought supportive care for
Upper gastrointestinal tract −4.29 3.17 0.18 −10.55 to 1.96 −6.50 2.92 0.03 * −12.28 to −0.72
Lower gastrointestinal tract −9.22 2.19 <0.001 *** −13.53 to −4.91 3.84 2.20 0.08 −0.50 to 8.18
Unspecified gastrointestinal −4.37 2.42 0.07 −9.15 to 0.41 0.70 2.14 0.75 −3.54 to 4.93
Fatigue −9.56 2.68 <0.001 *** −14.85 to −4.27 4.79 2.35 0.04 * 0.14 to 9.44
Sought supportive care for
Physical functioning −11.73 3.05 <0.001*** −17.74 to −5.72 −5.94 2.75 0.03 * −11.37 to −0.50

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; SE, standard error.


Estimated quality of life summary score of a female patient, aged 67 years, average time after surgery, no chemotherapy treatment and no supportive care sought for the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, unspecified gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue and physical functioning (reference).


Estimated change in quality of life summary score of a female patient, aged 67 years, average time after surgery, no chemotherapy treatment, with an average quality of life score at inclusion, and no supportive care sought for the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, unspecified gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue and physical functioning (reference).


Age = (Age − 67 years).


Time after surgery = (Time after surgery – 7 months).


Quality of life at inclusion = (Quality of life score – 81.9).


The model includes an interaction term between the average quality of life score at inclusion and treatment with chemotherapy.


p < 0.05.


p < 0.01.


p < 0.001.