(a) Distribution of publications that specified their HWE filtering approach (orange) versus publications that did not specify the approach in sufficient detail (grey). (b) the distribution of publications that specified their HWE filtering approach across different filtering schemes: “Mix” (mix of the following filters), “no filter” (no HWE filter), “out combo” (loci removed if out of HWE across the pooled data set), “out all” (loci removed if out of HWE in each sampling location), “out any” (loci removed if out of HWE in any sampling location), and “out some” (loci removed if out of HWE in at least a certain number/relative proportion of sampling locations, but not in all locations). (c) the distribution of publications that did not specify Hardy–Weinberg filtering approach and with the default behaviour of the filtering tools used (where specified) assumed: “Out combo” (as defined above), “within” (the paper specified that they used population information for HWE filtering, but not specifically whether this was “out all”, “out any”, or “out some”) and “unspecified” (the paper did not specify the tool)