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. 2022 Jun 8;38(6):e3549. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3549


Summary table of the quality assessment

Study Risk of bias element assessed Overall risk of bias
Randomisation process Deviation from intended intervention Missing outcome data Measurement of outcome Selection of reported results
Lavery et al. (2004) 13 (±) (+) (+) (−) (±) High
Armstrong et al. (2007) 12 (+) (±) (+) (±) (±) High
Lavery et al. (2007) 15 (+) (±) (+) (−) (±) High
Skafjeld et al. (2015) 14 (+) (+) (+) (±) (±) Moderate
Bus et al. (2021) 5 (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) Low

Note: (+) Low; (±) Some concerns; (−) High. In the overall risk of bias, some concerns were interpreted as moderate risk of bias.