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. 2022 Jun 27;56(5):802–813. doi: 10.1111/apt.17104


Symptoms of constipation and faecal incontinence in 67 hEDS/HSD patients (cases; cohort 1) versus 134 control patients

Variable hEDS/HSD cohort 1 Controls p‐value
n = 67 n = 134
n (%) n (%)
Cleveland clinic constipation score (%) a
Bowel movements (≤ once per week) 25 (37.3) 42 (31.3) 0.716
Painful evacuation effort (≥sometimes) 56 (83.6) 101 (75.4) 0.185
Feeling incomplete evacuation (≥sometimes)

64 (95.5)

128 (95.5)


Abdominal pain (≥sometimes) 61 (91.0) 112 (82.4) 0.101
Minutes in lavatory per attempt (≥10 min) 41 (61.2) 77 (57.5) 0.613
Assistance for defaecation (digital assistance or enema) 40 (59.7) 90 (67.2) 0.297
Unsuccessful attempts per 24 h (≥ 3 attempts) 53 (79.1) 112 (83.6) 0.435
Duration of constipation (≥5 years) 51 (76.1) 82 (61.2) 0.035
Total score (median, interquartile range) 19 (15–22) 17 (14–21) 0.074
Score ≥ 12 (%) 65 (97.0) 117 (87.3) 0.027
Rome III criteria functional constipation (%)
Straining (≥25%) 62 (92.5) 124 (92.5) 0.999
Lumpy or hard stool (≥25%) 19 (28.4) 41 (30.6) 0.744
Feeling incomplete evacuation (≥25%) 64 (95.5) 128 (95.5) 0.999
Feeling anorectal obstruction (≥25%) 60 (89.6) 117 (87.3) 0.645
Manual manoeuvres (≥25%) 31 (46.3) 65 (48.5) 0.765
<3 defaecations per week 37 (55.2) 72 (53.7) 0.841
Faecal incontinence
St Marks incontinence score
Median, (interquartile range) 6 (3–12) 6 (2–12) 0.661
Faecal urgency (%) 32 (47.8) 61 (45.5) 0.764
Rome III criteria for faecal incontinence (≥ monthly, %) 26 (33.8) 46 (34.3) 0.934

Proportion of patients with a score of ≥2 per symptom category, the description of these cut offs is provided in brackets.