Climate change impact for RCP4.5 relative to other environmental pressures. Proportional impact contributions from modeled climate change pressures (red) and other impact sources (blue) to the marine environment in the Kattegat‐Skagerrak, Baltic Proper, and the Gulf of Bothnia, for the MINIMUM, MEDIAN, and MAXIMUM in RCP4.5. Pressures from human activities have been categorized into the following source categories: A—Climate change‐driven temperature rise in bottom water; B—Climate change‐driven temperature rise in surface water; C—Climate change‐driven salinity reduction in bottom water; D—Climate change‐driven salinity reduction in surface water; E—Climate change‐driven ice cover reduction; F—Eutrophication; G—General pollution (oil spill from wreck, heavy metals (background, mine dump), synthetic toxins (background), dump of toxic munition); H—Industry (heavy metals [fiber bank, mercury dump], synthetic toxins from industries and in harbor); I—Sand extraction; J—Coastal development; K—Recreation; L—Shipping; M—Fisheries: N—Aquaculture; O—Energy; P—Military defense.