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. 2022 Jul 3;41(3):383–395. doi: 10.1111/ajag.13103


Critical appraisal of home care QIs using the AIRE 25 instrument

AIRE instrument items

Hirdes et al.


Morris et al.


Netten et al.


Domain 1: Purpose, relevance, and organisational context 70% 47% 73%
1.1 The purpose of the indicator is described clearly 4 3 4
1.2 The criteria for selecting the topic of the indicator are described in detail 3 3 2
1.3 The organisational context of the indicator is described in detail 3.5 2 4
1.4 The quality domain the indicator addresses is described in detail 3 2 4
1.5 The health‐care process covered by the indicator is described and defined in detail 2 2 2
Domain 2: Stakeholder involvement 44% 61% 33%
2.1 The group developing the indicator includes individuals from relevant professional groups 3


2.2 Considering the purpose of the indicator, all relevant stakeholders have been involved at some stage of the development process 3 3.5 2
2.3 The indicator has been formally endorsed 1 1 2
Domain 3: Scientific evidence 6% 0% 22%
3.1 Systematic methods were used to search for scientific evidence 1 1 1
3.2 The indicator is based on recommendations from an evidence‐based guideline 1.5 1 2
3.3 The supporting evidence has been critically appraised 1 1 2
Domain 4: Additional evidence, formulation, and usage 67% 54% 41%
4.1 The numerator and denominator are described in detail 4 4 1
4.2 The target patient population of the indicator is defined clearly 3.5 2 2
4.3 A strategy for risk adjustment has been considered and described 4 4 1
4.4 The indicator measures what it is intended to measure (validity) 2 2 3
4.5 The indicator measures accurately and consistently (reliability) 1 1.5 3
4.6 The indicator has sufficient discriminative power 3.5 3 2
4.7 The indicator has been piloted in practice 1 1 2
4.8 The efforts needed for data collection have been considered 4 4 2
4.9 Specific instructions for presenting and interpreting the indicator results are provided 4 2 4

Abbreviations: AIRE, appraisal of indicators through research and evaluation.