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. 2022 Jul 6;31(10):1110–1120. doi: 10.1002/pds.5503


Characteristics of α1‐adrenoceptor antagonist users by type of exposure before lag time (exposure at least 3 years before the index date), including individuals with and without AD

No use N = 87 546 Only alfuzosin use N = 3869 Only tamsulosin use N = 27 717 Purchases of both alfuzosin and tamsulosin N = 3867
Age at index date mean, (95% CI) 78.1 (64.4–88.9) 79.6 (68.8–89.3) 80.4 (70.3–89.4) 80.5 (70.3–89.4)
Age at first α1‐adrenoceptor antagonist purchase, mean, (95% CI) 73.2 (73.0–73.4) 72.1 (72.0–72.29) 71.0 (70.8–71.2)
Highest occupational class before AD, n, (%)
Managerial/professional 23 132 (26.4) 1148 (29.7) 7831 (28.3) 1257 (32.5)
Office 2605 (3.0) 111 (2.9) 773 (2.8) 111 (2.9)
Farming, forestry 19 843 (22.7) 857 (22.2) 6647 (24.0) 809 (20.9)
Sales, industrial, cleaning 37 455 (42.8) 1687 (43.6) 11 848 (42.8) 1613 (41.7)
Unknown 4511 (5.2) 66 (1.7) 618 (2.2) 77 (2.0)
Cardiovascular disease, n, (%) 38 792 (44.3) 1867 (48.3) 14 679 (53.0) 2051 (53.0)
Stroke, n, (%) 6627 (7.6) 342 (8.8) 2923 (10.6) 458 (11.8)
Diabetes, n, (%) 8747 (10.0) 449 (11.6) 3335 (12.0) 468 (12.1)
Asthma/COPD, i, (%) 7034 (8.0) 401 (10.4) 3287 (11.9) 473 (12.2)
Cataract, n, (%) 11 734 (13.4) 722 (18.7) 5346 (19.3) 837 (21.6)
Acute cancer, n, (%) 6168 (7.1) 393 (10.2) 3308 (11.9) 445 (11.5)
Inpatient care with psychiatric diagnoses, n, (%) 3648 (4.2) 204 (5.3) 1455 (5.3) 233 (6.0)
Substance abuse, n, (%) 4902 (5.6) 232 (6.0) 1827 (6.6) 284 (7.34)
Benzodiazepine & related drug use, n, (%) 19 961 (22.8) 1314 (34.0) 10 415 (37.6) 1726 (44.6)
Antidepressant use, n, (%) 9743 (11.1) 690 (17.8) 5234 (18.9) 994 (25.7)
Antipsychotic use, n, (%) 3300 (3.8) 185 (4.8) 1556 (5.6) 271 (7.0)
5‐ARI drug use, n, (%) 1279 (1.5) 104 (2.7) 1212 (4.4) 218 (5.6)
Sum of purchased ATC‐codes a , median (IQR) 1 (0–4) 2 (0–5) 3 (1–5) 3 (1–6)
Categorized drug sum a , n, (%)
None 32 056 (36.3) 1053 (27.2) 6122 (22.1) 717 (18.5)
1–2 23 702 (27.1) 1027 (26.5) 7291 (26.3) 951 (24.6)
3–4 15 667 (17.9) 810 (20.9) 5942 (21.4) 796 (20.6)
5–7 10 908 (12.5) 624 (16.1) 5048 (18.2) 798 (20.6)
8 or more 5213 (6.0) 355 (9.2) 3314 (12.0) 605 (15.7)
Hospital admissions during lag time, n, (%)
0 42 246 (48.3) 1494 (38.6) 9853 (35.6) 1202 (31.1)
1 16 550 (18.9) 808 (20.9) 5539 (20.0) 764 (19.8)
2 10 060 (11.5) 513 (13.3) 3771 (13.6) 560 (14.5)
3 6025 (6.9) 338 (8.7) 2477 (8.9) 384 (9.9)
4–5 6430 (7.3) 354 (9.2) 2.849 (10.3) 424 (11.0)
6 or more 6235 (7.1) 362 (9.4) 3228 (11.7) 533 (13.8)
Outpatient visits during lag time, n, (%)
0 26 483 (30.3) 669 (17.3) 4654 (16.8) 453 (11.7)
1–2 18 096 (20.7) 747 (19.3) 5278 (19.0) 644 (16.7)
3–4 12 685 (14.5) 610 (15.8) 4306 (15.5) 542 (14.0)
5–6 8439 (9.6) 480 (12.4) 3421 (12.3) 475 (12.3)
7–11 11 642 (13.3) 707 (18.3) 5075 (18.3) 793 (20.5)
12 or more 10 201 (11.7) 656 (17.0) 4983 (18.0) 960 (24.8)
New drugs b during lag time, n, (%)
0 13 727 (15.7) 224 (5.8) 1581 (5.7) 137 (3.5)
1 10 862 (12.4) 365 (9.4) 2543 (9.2) 226 (5.8)
2–3 21 711 (24.8) 896 (23.2) 6161 (22.2) 727 (18.8)
4–6 22 346 (25.5) 1188 (30.7) 8321 (30.0) 1121 (29.0)
7 or more 18 900 (21.6) 1196 (30.9) 9111 (32.9) 1656 (42.8)

In year 1995.


Excluding α1‐adrenoceptor antagonists.