Examples of multiparametric functional NMR studies performed in a patient with mitochondrial diabetes (A) and another with peripheral artery disease (B). After a plantar flexion ischaemic bout, time curves of calf muscle perfusion (top), Mb resaturation (middle) and creatine rephosphorylation (bottom) were simultaneously monitored by interleaving ASL imaging and 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy, respectively. In both conditions, the creatine rephosphorylation rate, an indicator of mitochondrial ATP resynthesis, was abnormally low. In B, mitochondrial dysfunction was clearly attributable to a blunted functional hyperaemia (top) and a dramatically slow muscle reoxygenation (middle). In A, post‐exercise reperfusion and Mb resaturation were within normal ranges, indicating an intrinsic defect of mitochondrial function