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. 2022 Apr 27;35(10):e4735. doi: 10.1002/nbm.4735


Applications of interleaved (int), synchronous (syn) or simultaneous (sim) applications, sorted by studied organ, species and type of acquired data

Organ Species Sequences Type References
Muscle Human 1H MRI + 31P MRS int 34 , 77 , 141 , 144
1H MRI + 1H MRS + 31P MRS int 32 , 60 , 72 , 74 , 76 , 146
1H MRS + 31P MRS int 32 , 33 , 55 , 127 , 138 , 139 , 140
13C MRS + 31P MRS int 66 , 129 , 130
Mouse 1H MRI + 31P MRS int 59 , 136 , 137
Rabbit 1H MRS + 31P MRS sim 27
Brain Human 1H MRS + 31P MRS int/sim 30 , 35 , 65 , 71
1H MRI + 23Na MRI or 2H MRSI int/sim 28 , 68 , 70 , 92
Cat 1H MRS + 31P MRS (+ 23Na MRS (+ 19F MRS)) int 46 , 47 , 128
19F MRI + 17O MRI int 45
Rat 1H MRS or 1H MRI + 31P MRS or HP 13C MRS int/sim 63 , 142 , 148 , 149
Lung Human 1H MRI + 3He (+128Xe MRI) int 36 , 37
Rat 1H MRI + 19F MRI int 95
Knee Human 1H MRI + 23Na MRI int/sim 31 , 48 , 134
Rabbit 1H MRI + 19F MRI sim 132
Liver Rat 1H MRS + 31P MRS sim 44
1H MRI + HP 13C MRS sim 142
Kidney Mouse 1H MRI + HP 13C MRI sim 67
Breast Human 1H MRI + 23Na MRI syn 69
Heart Human 31P MRS + 1H pencil navigators int 90 , 91
Whole body Mouse 19F MRI + 1H MRI motion correction sim 94
Rabbit 19F MRI + 1H MRI motion correction sim 93