Final conceptual model for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposisa,b.
aUnderlined concepts were selected for inclusion in the final NPSD. Symptoms that were mentioned by ≤4 patients and impacts that were mentioned by ≤3 patients (of 30 total patients) were not included in the revised conceptual model. Due to the low rate of reporting by patients, these concepts were judged to be less significant and/or more distal to the typical NP patient experience.
bConcepts with an asterisk were identified as a salient concept (mentioned by ≥50% of patients and a total average disturbance rating of ≥5) from patient interviews. Not all salient concepts were included in the final NPSD to ensure the focus remained on only those concepts considered by patients to be the most important and to maintain its brevity.
Abbreviations: NP, chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis; NPSD, Nasal Polyposis Symptom Diary.