Metric | Formula | |
Image similarity | MAE/ME ↓ | / |
MSE/RMSE ↓ | / | |
PSNR ↑ |
SSIM ↑ |
with ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
DICE ↑ |
with |
Dosimetric similarity | DPR ↑ |
Fraction of voxels where DD ⩽ x% with where |
DVH ↑ | Cumulative histogram of dose–volume frequency distribution for a given volume | |
GPR ↑ | Fraction of voxels where |
Note: Arrows indicate better result.
Abbreviations: DPR, dose difference pass rate; DVH, dose–volume histogram; GPR, gamma pass rate; MAE, mean absolute error; ME, mean error; MSE, mean squared error; PSNR, peak signal‐to‐noise ratio; RMSE, root mean square error; SSIM, structural similarity.