Group | Procedures within group (as found in selected studies) |
Surgery | Surgery, operation, bloody operation, splenectomy, laparoscopy, organ biopsy, caesarean section |
Transplantation | Transplantation, renal transplantation |
Blood transfusion | dated blood transfusion/non‐dated blood transfusion |
Intravenous (IV)/Catheter | Cholangiography, IV pyelography, IV injection, IV‐line, sclerotherapy, catheter, central venous catheter, cannula, phlebotomy |
Haemodialysis | Haemodialysis |
Wound care | Wound suture, wound care |
Injection | IM injection, percutaneous injection, subcutaneous injection, injection/vaccination, injection |
Other procedures | Electromyography, haemorrhoids treatment, tapping ascites, abscess drainage, abortion, biopsy, ligation of oesophageal varices, urinary catheter |
Endoscopy | Endoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy |
Dental care | Tooth extraction, dental anaesthesia, dental procedure, dental care, tooth filling |
Note: Procedure names are reported as mentioned in each of the articles.
Abbreviation: IM, intramuscular.