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. 2022 Aug 7;31(10):2187–2207. doi: 10.1002/hec.4568


Factors correlated with take‐up of services, number of claims and value of claim per policyholder

(I) (II) (III)
Policyholder had a claim Number of claims per policyholder Total value of claims (log) per policyholder
Logit odds ratio Tobit‐Coefficient Tobit‐Coefficient
Status (ref. Principal)
Dependent 1.000 (0.997) 0.412 (0.000) 0.053 (0.003)
Gender (ref. Male)
Female 1.337 (0.000) 7.691 (0.000) 1.724 (0.000)
Age (ref. 20–29 years)
<5 0.822 (0.000) −1.564 (0.000) −0.968 (0.000)
5–9 1.140 (0.000) 1.464 (0.000) 0.538 (0.000)
10–19 0.969 (0.000) −3.501 (0.000) −0.388 (0.000)
20–29 ref. group
30–39 1.256 (0.000) 5.122 (0.000) 1.318 (0.000)
40–49 1.239 (0.000) 6.230 (0.000) 1.357 (0.000)
50–59 1.107(0.000) 6.386(0.000) 0.854 (0.000)
60–69 0.896 (0.000) 4.618 (0.000) −0.142 (0.000)
70+ 0.928 (0.000) 7.119 (0.000) 0.201 (0.000)
Monthly salary (ref. 500,001–900,000 TZS)
<150,000 0.570 (0.000) −9.605 (0.000) −2.999 (0.000)
150,001–300,000 1.202 (0.000) 4.078 (0.000) 0.988 (0.000)
300,001–500,000 0.893 (0.000) −1.964 (0.000) −0.579 (0.000)
500,001–900,000 ref. group
900,001–1,200,000 0.920 (0.000) −1.127 (0.000) −0.421 (0.000)
1,200,001–1,500,000 0.903 (0.000) −1.096(0.000) −0.281 (0.000)
>1,500,000 0.247 (0.000) −25.041 (0.000) −7.965 (0.000)
Constant 0.979 (0.000) −6.747 (0.000) 1.301 (0.000)
Observations 2,342,255 2,342,255 2,342,255
Pseudo R‐squared 0.054 0.013 0.019

Note: Unit is per policyholder (n = 2,342,256). P‐values in parenthesis. Average age (20–29) and average salary (500,001–900,000 TZS) category were used as reference categories.

Abbreviation: TZS, Tanzanian shilling.