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. 2022 Jun 14;102(3):182–190. doi: 10.1111/cge.14173


Mutational and clinical details of females with BFLS due to variants in PHF6 and comparison to published males and female carriers

Patient # 1 2.1 (index) 2.2 (mother) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 female BFLS n = 27, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 current study male BFLS n = 62 2 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 female carriers in XLR families n = 63 2 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 22
PHF6 variant (NM_032458) exon 6–7 deletion c.88C>T, p.(Gln30*) c.88C>T, p.(Gln30*) c.129dup, p.(Lys44*) c.346C>T, p.(Arg116*) c.374+ 1G>A, r.spl c.590_593del, p.(Asp197 Glyfs*20) c.820C>T, p.(Arg274*) c.845T>C, p.(Leu282 Pro) c.859G>A, p.(Gly287 Ser) c.898A>G, p.(Thr300Ala)

19x truncating

5x missense

7 families truncating 15 families


De novo Yes Maternal Yes Excl. In the mother Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 23/26 1/56 1/43
Method MLPA Panel Sanger segr. Sanger Panel Exome Sanger Exome Sanger Exome Trio exome NA NA NA
skewed XI in blood NA XI 97.2 XI 91.4 XI 100 XI 100 XI 100 XI 100 NA NA XI 100 NA 22/22 (100%) NA

23/29 (79.3%)

Sex Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Female
Age 4 y 7 y 8 m 36 y 2 m 6 y 10 m 10 y 10 m 12 m 12 m 20 m 15 y 3 y 12 y 7 m several m to 41 y 10 m to 62 y NA
Body measurements
Gestational week NA 39 term 38 NA NA NA NA 38 39 NA NA NA NA
Birth weight (g) 4564 2850 2800 2950 3230 2300 2410 2140 2739 2644 3100 NA NA NA
Birth length (cm) NA 49 50 49 49 47.5 49 44 NA 47 47 NA NA NA
OFC at birth NA 36 34 36.5 NA 31 32 31.5 NA NA 36.5 NA NA NA
Weight (kg) / SD NA 22 / ‐0.58 88 / NA 24.3 / 0.63 57.9 / 2.18 6.5 / ‐2.69 8.5 / ‐0.42 10.8 / 0.12 NA 12.1 / ‐1.82 67.7 / 2.01 2x under‐weight,15x normal, 5x obese 2x underweight, 3x normal, 6x overweight 14x normal, 4x obese
Height (cm) / SD NA 119 / ‐0.99 180 / 2.56 117.9 / ‐0.36 158.6 / 2.22 70.5 / ‐1.37 76 / 0.77 80 / ‐0.9 NA 92 / ‐2 161.2 / 0.98 2x short, 17x normal, 4x tall 9x short, 12x normal 2x short, 16x normal
OFC (cm) / SD NA 51 / ‐0.63 NA 51.9 / 0.38 53.3 / 0.26 43.5 / ‐1.86 46 / 0.3 45 / ‐2.25 NA 49 / ‐0.71 58.8 / 3.54 4x microcephaly, 14x normocephaly, 2x macrocephaly 5x microcephaly, 25x normocephaly, 6x macrocephaly 3x normal
Obesity No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes



44/48 (91.7%)

4/19 (21.1%)

Characteristic facial gestalt Yes Yes No (subtle) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes












(69.6%) subtle male


Age at walking 18 m


(7 y)

10 m 1 y 10 m 15 m Unsteady sitting (1 y) NA

Not yet

(1 y 8 m)



(2 y 2 m)

not yet (3 y)

1 y 1 m

1 y to not yet

at 7 y

1 y 11 m

to 4 y

First words 2 y No words Normal 3 y 1 y 6 m Not yet Not yet Not yet No words No words 3 y 6 m 15 m to not speaking 4 y to not speaking NA
Current speech ability NA Only vocalizations Normal 2–3 word sentences Simple sentences NA NA Hoarse voice Growls NA Simple sentences NA NA NA
Intellectual disability Moderate Severe/profound No Moderate Mild/Moderate Mild Moderate Severe Severe Moderate Moderate

24/27 (88.9%)

54/54 (100%)

6/32 (18.8%) learning disability
Seizures No No No No No No No Yes No No No 5/23 3x 2x
MRI anomalies NA Prominent outer cerebrospinal fluid space NA NA Periventricular white matter lesions, frontal subcortical heterotopia Small pituitary gland NA Delayed myelination, white matter loss, dysplastic pons, 3rd ventriculomegaly NA Abnormal position of the cerebellar tonsil Normal MRI 10/15 NR NR
Behavioral anomalies No Too impaired to assess No No Earlier physically, now more verbally abusive No NA Too impaired to assess NA Happy demeanor Shy, anxious, friendly demeanor 6/15 13/34 1x
Finger anomalies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 24/25 (96%)

16/16 (100%)

reported as common in the rest

8/21 (38.1%)
Clinodactyly V IV IV IV + V No IV + V No V No No No 16/25 (64.0%) 5/16 (31.2%) 0/21 (0%)
Brachydactyly V No No No No No No V V No V 13/25 (52.0%) 3/16 (18.8%) 0/21 (0%)
Camptodactyly No No No IV + V Several fingers No No No No No No 3/25 (12.0%) 0/16 (0%) 0/21 (0%)
Tapering fingers No No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes







Hypoplastic nails No No No No No No Dysplastic, brittle Hypoplastic V



No No







Toe anomalies No Yes, crowded toes Yes, crowded toes Yes, broad toes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes







Brachydactyly No No No No No No No Yes No No IV + V







Camptodactyly/hammer toes No No Yes III, IV + V II + III No No No No No No



common in a sample of 25 22 0/21 (0%)
Sandal gap No No No No No No No No No No Yes 2/23 (8.7%) 13/22 (59.1%) 1/21 (4.8%)
Syndactyly No No No No No II‐IV right, II‐III left Minimal II‐III No II‐III II‐III II‐III 10/23 (43.5%) 4/22 (18.2%) 0/21 (0%)
Hypoplastic nails No Dysplastic v Dysplastic v No No No Dysplastic, brittle Hypoplastic No No No 7/23 (30.4%) 1/22 (4.5%) 1/21 (4.8%)
Linear skin hyper‐pigmentation No Yes (both thighs) No No Yes (groin + armpits) No Yes (legs) No Yes (arm + trunk) Yes (trunk, bottom + legs) No 17/25 (68.0%) NR

0/1, NR

Dental anomalies No Small teeth, misalignment Misalignment Enamel defect Hypodontia, large roots NA Small teeth Hypodontia NA NA Yes 18/20 (90.0%) 1x small teeth, widely spaced

0/1, NR

Oligoamenorrhea (age at menarche) NA NA yes (13 y) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA not yet 10/10 (100%) 44/45 (97.8%) hypogonadism or small external genitalia 1/15 (6.7%) oligomenorrhea
Genital anomalies No Hypoplastic labia minora No No No No No No Hypoplastic clitoris No NA
Eye anomalies No Strabism, hyperopia, excavation of the papilla Myopia Strabism, impaired stereo vision, astigmatism Progressive retinal depigmentation, maculopathy No NA No No NA Nystagm, hyperopia, retinal depigmentation, maculopathy Abnormalities in 13/15 Abnormalities in 3/5 NR
Other No Muscular hypotonia No Ectopic kidney, initially muscular hypotonia Unilateral hydro‐nephrosis, congenital umbilical hernia, mild hearing impairment Renal pilocalyceal dilatation Hyertrichosis at the back Cleft hard and soft palate, possible hearing impairment No Feeding difficulties Muscular hypotonia NA NA NA

Abbreviations: II, III, IV, V, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th finger or toe, respectively; m, months; NA, not available or not applicable; NR: not reported; XLR, x‐linked recessive (obligate female carriers with proven variant either in the female herself or in the family); XLR, X‐linked recessive; y, years, m, months; OFC, occipito‐frontal head circumference.