Fig. 1.
DCA for the net benefit of the preoperative IGF‐1, IGFBP‐2, and IGFBP‐3 plasma levels based on a preoperative reference model (comprising age, sex, and clinical staging) for the prediction of LNM (a), pT3/4 disease (b) or any non‐organ‐confined disease (c) in 1029 patients treated with RC for UC of the bladder. Description: the x‐axis is the threshold probabilities. The y‐axis measures the net benefit which is calculated by adding the true positives and subtracting the false‐positives. The horizontal line representing the x‐axis assumes that no patients experiences recurrence whereas the grey line assumes that all patients will experience recurrence at a specific threshold probability. The dashed black line represents the net‐benefit of a logistic regression reference model which was fitted using sex, age and clinical tumor stage. The dashed red line represents the net‐benefit of the same logistic regression reference models which also include the significant biomarkers from the multivariable analysis as variables. [Colour figure can be viewed at]