Anoxia: the complete absence of O2. |
Carbon starvation: mortality resulting from an inability to provide sufficient carbohydrate supply to metabolic processes necessary for survival. |
Cytorrhysis: irreparable damage to cell walls after cellular collapse from the loss of internal positive pressure. |
Die‐back: the partial loss of canopy or root biomass, without whole‐plant mortality. |
Hydraulic failure: the accumulation of emboli within the sapwood past a threshold after which water transport is irrecoverable leading to dehydration and cytrorrhysis of downstream tissues. |
Hypoxia: reductions in O2 below levels optimal for root physiology. |
Mechanism: a system of parts working together within a process; a piece of the machinery. |
Mortality: the irreversible cessation of metabolism and the associated inability to regenerate. |
Process: a series of mechanisms that leads to an endpoint. |
Salinity: the amount of salt dissolved in water, which can range from near zero in freshwater to >35 parts per thousand in seawater. |