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. 2022 Feb 7;88(10):4297–4310. doi: 10.1111/bcp.15181


Logistics of implementing PGx testing in paediatrics

Issue Challenge Potential solution
Indication for PGx testing Clinicians and pharmacists may feel uncertain when testing is required Clear paediatric PGx guidelines with integration into electronic prescribing systems and protocols, with PGx champions in each clinical area
Reporting Insufficient standardisation of PGx reports will impede interpretation and use of results Standardised PGx report format, with educational modules to support prescribers, and local PGx web portal and helpline for queries
PGx result transfer Inadequate mechanisms for data transfer/retention between different healthcare IT systems Unified or interoperable EHRs between primary and secondary care and pharmacists in which PGx data is stored life long
Data retention PGx results may get lost and the information will not be retained in the patient's lifelong EHR Use of PGx cards or PGx QR codes linked to smartphone app (compatible with national health systems) and IT to enable linkage to local/centralised lifelong EHR
Data curation Research updating PGx knowledge will not be checked against historical PGx results PGx data repositories will allow original data to be revisited and reports updated periodically
Accountability Prescribers including physicians, pharmacists, nurse prescribers, may not know how to use PGx information and it will be wasted Proactive multidisciplinary education with CDS tools embedded in e‐prescribing software alerting prescribers to actionable PGx variants
Coding PGx testing and results are not linked to appropriate standardised clinical coding terms Coding dictionaries need to be updated in discussion with PGx experts
Cost It is unclear who should pay for PGx testing Cost allocations need predefining during implementation planning
Cascade testing There are ethical issues surrounding the implications for family members once actionable PGx results are known Guidelines and SOPs should clarify when testing of a patient's relatives is recommended and how this will be communicated to relevant parties

Abbreviations: PGx, pharmacogenomics; EHR, electronic health record; QR, quick response; CDS, clinical decision support; SOP, standard operating procedure.