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. 2022 Jun 22;44(10):2151–2161. doi: 10.1002/hed.27128


Multivariate analysis of factors associated with likelihood of identifying positive lymph node(s) on neck dissection of patients with clinically T1‐2, N0 mucoepidermoid carcinoma

% positive LN(s) on pathology OR a 95%CI p‐value
Well differentiated 1.97 Reference
Moderately differentiated 5.71 3.84 1.23, 12.01 0.021
Poorly differentiated 14.84 5.08 1.40, 18.48 0.014
Pathological T
1–2 3.92 Reference
3–4 19.23 3.05 1.16, 7.99 0.023
Surgical margins
Negative 3.77 Reference
Positive 11.43 2.63 1.13, 6.12 0.025
Lymphovascular invasion
Not present 3.62 Reference
Present 22.73 4.53 1.36, 15.05 0.014

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ECE, extracapsular extension; LN, lymph node; OR, odds ratio.


Multivariate logistic regression model included all the variables listed in the table except lymphovascular invasion as it was analyzed in a separate model that also included the other variables because lymphovascular invasion was only available for years 2010–2016.