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. 2022 Jun 22;44(10):2151–2161. doi: 10.1002/hed.27128


Five‐year overall survival probability and adjusted hazard ratio for patients presented with clinically T1‐2, N0 parotid mucoepidermoid carcinoma in relation to demographic and clinical factors classified based on pathological features

Group Factor % 5‐year overall survival HR a 95%CI p‐value
No advanced pathological features Age (year)
<65 97.53 Reference
≥65 86.15 4.58 2.77, 7.59 <0.001
Male 90.79 2.22 1.36, 3.60 0.001
Female 95.99 Reference
Charlson/Deyo score
0 94.39 Reference
1 92.00 1.33 0.75, 2.33 0.33
≥2 90.81 1.46 0.45, 4.75 0.53
Superficial parotidectomy 96.02 Reference
Total parotidectomy 90.88 4.06 1.61, 10.26 0.003
Facial nerve
Preserved 94.82 Reference
Sacrificed 91.90 1.56 0.92,2.65 0.10
Elective neck dissection/adjuvant radiotherapy performed
No/no 95.61 1.54 0.60, 3.90 0.37
Yes/no 93.85 1.46 0.69, 3.12 0.32
No/yes 89.35 2.42 0.78, 7.47 0.13
Yes/yes 97.38 Reference
One or more advanced pathological features (poorly differentiated, T3‐4A, positive lymph node(s), positive surgical margins, lymphovascular invasion, extracapsular extension) Age (year)
<65 93.09 Reference
≥65 65.12 6.13 3.59, 10.45 <0.001
Male 76.78 1.24 0.78, 1.96 0.37
Female 86.60 Reference
Charlson/Deyo score
0 85.66 Reference
1 67.58 1.47 0.86, 2.50 0.16
≥2 77.00 2.96 1.24, 7.08 0.014
Superficial parotidectomy 85.90 Reference
Total parotidectomy 79.57 2.26 1.07, 4.78 0.034
Facial nerve
Preserved 85.75 Reference
Sacrificed 79.88 1.20 0.75, 1.93 0.44
Elective neck dissection/adjuvant radiotherapy performed
No/no 87.50 1.19 0.52, 2.70 0.68
Yes/no 81.32 1.41 0.82, 2.43 0.21
No/yes 80.97 0.93 0.48, 1.77 0.82
Yes/yes 86.00 Reference

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.


Multivariate Cox hazard ratio model includes all the variables in the table.