Tasks partition in the new auxiliary scripts of COBRAMM. Alternatively to the setup scripts, the already existing cobramm.prep script is still available and under development
Script | Task | |
cobramm.prep |
cobramm‐ | Parametrize and solvate the chromophore with a solvent box |
cobramm‐ | Minimize, heat and equilibrate the system at MM level | |
cobramm‐ | Create a droplet of solvent surrounding the chromophore, partition the system in H‐M‐L layers and prepares the input for QM/MM optimization | |
cobramm‐ | Prepare a distribution of geometries and momenta sampling the normal modes of the chromophore based on a Wigner distribution | |
cobramm‐ | Equilibrate the solvent around the geometries obtained by Wigner distribution and prepare the inputs for TSH | |
cobramm‐ | Store and plot the result of a TSH dynamics | |
cobramm‐ | Extract the population of the excited states from an ensemble of trajectories | |
cobramm‐ | Setup and run vertical excitation along the simulated trajectories | |
cobramm‐ | Convolute, store and plot the TA spectrum and perform additional post‐processing analysis |