Repeat dosing of CDX‐0159 in non‐human primates does not induce significant myelosuppression. (A) CDX‐0159 administration every two weeks results in high drug levels and exposure at 10 and 75 mg/kg throughout the dosing period 13weeks and post‐treatment recovery (8 weeks). Arrows denote dosing. (B) In bone marrow smears, CDX‐0159‐induced marginal increases in myeloid/erythroid ratios at the end of treatment which were not seen at the end of the recovery period. Cohort means (n = 6 for on‐treatment and n = 4 for recovery animals) and S.E.M. values are shown. p‐values; ns: not significant; *: p < 0.05. (C) Repeat CDX‐0159 administration induces mild rapid decreases in hemoglobin values (left) without further decline despite high and prolonged drug exposure. A similar pattern is observed in total leukocyte count (center) and neutrophils (right), although the total counts exhibit greater intra‐subject variability. Cohort means (n = 10 for on‐treatment and n = 4 for recovery animals) and S.E.M. values are shown. In all cases, no meaningful differences in hematology values between genders were observed