Table 1.
Benign | Cases/Articles (81/51) | M/F (41/30) | Age range (4/93) | Max diameter range (1–30) | Clinical morphology aspect | Dermoscopy |
Basaloid follicular hamartoma | 3/31,33,121 | 3/0 | 14–64 | 3–7 | 2 HN and truncal papules in 2 Indian patients with multiple lesions |
Solitary HN macule in a 64 y/o patients from Singapore |
Inverted follicular keratosis | 12/49,76,101,184 | 8/4 | 29–93 | 4–12 | 1 HN pigmented macule (black and brown) in a 93 y/o woman |
11 solitary nonpigmented pink‐reddish papules (6) and nodules (5), mainly on the HN (6) and limbs (3 upper, 3 lower). Patients were all Caucasians. |
Tumour of the follicular infundibulum | 2/1140 | 1/1 | 53–54 | 5–11 | 2 pinkish macules on lower limbs and trunk of 2 Caucasian patients |
Trichilemmoma (1 desmoplastic) | 7/5 40,77,86,105,128 | 4/3 | 6/84 | 3/10 |
5 solitary, 2 multiple (Cowden syndrome). All nonpigmented HN papules, except one keratotic horny plaque in a 6 y/o Asian girl, on a sebaceous nevus. |
All with 2 concentric areas:
Trichoadenoma | 2/2115,139 | 1/1 | 45/65 | 5/6 | 2 solitary HN pinkish papules |
Trichofolliculoma | 2/2141,66 | 2/0 | 48–62 | 8–10 | 2 HN brownish‐pinkish nodules |
Trichoepitelioma desmoplastic | 5/58,46,91,97,136 | 2/1 | 16–83 | 2–14 | 5 solitary whitish‐pinkish plaques |
Trichoepitelioma | 9/98,49,64,99,100,127,161,174,181 | 3/5 | 8–60 | 3–10 |
All HN papules: 7 white‐pink; 2 brown‐blue. 4 patients had multiple lesions (1 Brooke‐Spiegler syndrome; 1 multiple familial trichoepithelioma) |
Trichoblastoma (1 adamantinoid) | 16/969,94,97,145,146,149,150,159,202 | 5/6 | 22–77 | 1–20 |
1 patient with multiple nodules on HN and trunk 15 solitary nodules or plaques, mainly on HN, of which 9 pigmented (blue‐grey). 6 on sebaceous nevus |
Fibrofolliculoma and Trichodiscoma (1 mixed) | 5 (4 patients)/248,84 | 3/1 | 35–72 | 4 |
All pink‐red papules 1 on HN of a 72 y/o Caucasian woman, 3 on HN and 1 on trunk of 3 Asian patients with Birt‐Hogg Dubè syndrome |
Panfolliculoma | 1/1103 | 1/0 | 60 | 7 | Pink‐reddish truncal nodule |
Pilomatricoma (2 anetodermic; 1 bullous) | 16/123,12,28,68,86,93,97,111,115,182,194,200 | 7/8 | 4–75 | 4–30 |
All solitary nodules, mainly on HN (12) and upper limbs (3). 4 pigmented (blue). 1 on sebaceous nevus |
Melanocytic matricoma | 1/1138 | 1/0 | 65 | 10 | Blue nodule on upper limbs of a Caucasian patient |
Malignant | Cases/Articles (5/4) | M/F (4/0) | Age range (58/72) | Max diameter range (10–40) | Clinical morphology aspect | Dermoscopy |
Pilomatrix carcinoma | 1/1155 | 1/0 | 69 | 14 | Solitary HN red‐purple nodule |
Trichilemmal carcinoma | 3/210,97 | 2/0 | 65–72 | 10–40 | Solitary HN pink‐red nodules, 2 ulcerated |
Trichoblastic carcinoma | 1/1205 | 1/0 | 58 | 20 | Ulcerated HN blue‐grey nodules |
HN, head and neck.
See eReferences.
Iris‐like structure: radial morphology aspect with erythematous radial lines surrounded by white shiny areas, the redlines appeared thickened and highlighted at their outer end, presenting as red triangles or red projections.