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. 2022 Jun 30;55(9):891–909. doi: 10.1111/iej.13785


Outcomes of INDPC/selective/stepwise caries removal

Core area Outcome domain How it is measured Number of articles reporting outcome Minimum/maximum follow up
Survival Tooth survival Tooth present 2 1.5–10 years
NS 4 6–62 months
Physiological/clinical changes Pain Patient report 19 1 week–5 years
Symptoms Patient report 9 1 day–62 month
Infection‐swelling, sinus, fistula or abscess Clinical assessment 6 3 months–3 years
Radiographic evidence disease progression Radiographic assessment 19 2–62 months
Vitality/sensibility Cold test only 15 1 week–10 years
Heat and cold test 1
Cold test and EPT 6
Heat and cold test and EPT 1
Cold test or EPT 2
Thermal unspecified and EPT 1
NS 2
Tenderness to percussion /palpation Clinical assessment 4 1 week–5 years
TTP and palpation 6
TTP only
Palpation only
Mobility NS 6 3 months–3 years
Continued root development or apexogenesis Radiographic assessment 2 2 months–11 years
Remineralisation/ hard tissue/dentine barrier formation Radiographic assessment 10 3 months–10 years
Clinical assessment 11
Radiographic and CBCT 1
Histological assessment 2
Histological evidence of carious process in dentine Microbiology 10 3–12 months
Integrity /quality of restoration NS 5 2 months–10 years
Exposure during caries excavation or temporary restoration removal Clinical assessment 12 Baseline–6 months
Life impact Success Clinical and radiographic assessment 12 1 week–11 years
Clinical assessment
Radiographic assessment
NS 4 6–62 months
Aesthetics‐ discolouration Clinical assessment‐ photographic comparison 1 6 months
Resources use Need for further intervention Clinical and radiographic assessment 13 1 week–10 years
Time to complete procedure CROM‐ timed procedure 1 18 months
Use of analgesics after procedure Patient report 1 1 week–1 year
Adverse effects Resorption Radiographic assessment 3 2 months–3 years
Change in lesion depth/ secondary caries Radiographic assessment 7 3 months–10 years
NS 5
Radiographic and CBCT 1

Abbreviations: CBCT, Cone‐beam computed tomography; CROM, Clinician reported outcome measures; EPT, Electric pulp test; NS, not specified; TTP, tender to percussion; VAS, visual analogue scale.