A) Graph showing the distribution of enteroblast nuclear volumes in control guts and in guts imaged one day after a 2 hour heat shock. The horizontal lines indicate the median values, which are significantly different by a two-tailed t test (*p<0.05). After heat-shock treatment, the Su(H)GBE >GFP + enteroblasts have larger nuclear volumes on average, indicating that more cells are activated and becoming polyploid. N shows the number of midguts analysed in each experiment and n, the number of nuclei. (
B) Graph showing the number of cells in mitosis (phospho-histone H3 (PH3) staining) in control guts and in guts imaged one day after a 2 hr heatshock. The heat shock increases the number of ISC divisions. The horizontal lines indicate the median values, which are significantly different by a two-tailed t test (**p<0.01). N shows the number of midguts analysed in this experiment. (
C) Phosphorylated eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (p-4EBP1; green) staining in a control gut (left panel) and a gut 24 hr after a 2-hr heat shock (right panel). The heat shock induces a modest increase in p-4EBP1 levels. DNA is stained with DAPI (blue). (
D) Phosphorylated Extracellular Regulated Kinase (p-ERK; green) staining in a control gut (left panel) and a gut 24 hr after a 2-hr heat shock (right panel). p-ERK levels are not increased after this treatment. (
E) Par-6-GFP localisation to the lumen-facing domain of an integrating enteroblast. Canoe is labelled in (red) and the septate junctions are labelled with Coracle (greyscale). (
F) β
H-spectrin-GFP (green) localises to the enterocyte apical membrane and marks the lumen-facing membranes of both the integrating enteroblast and the overlying enterocytes. Canoe is labelled in (red) and the septate junctions are labelled with Coracle (greyscale). (
G) A GFP protein trap line in the actin crosslinker, Cheerio (Cher; green). Cheerio localises to apical brush border of the enterocytes and to the apical, lumen-facing surface of an integrating enteroblast. Mesh (red) marks the septate junctions and basal labyrinth and α-spectrin (greyscale) marks the cell membranes. (
H) Separate channels from the image of an integrating enteroblast with a pre-apical compartment (PAC) beneath a closed lumen shown in
Figure 2G. (
I) Separate channels from the image of an integrating enteroblast with an open lumen shown in
Figure 2H. Scale bar=5μm.