(A) The Sox21a antiserum non-specifically stains the septate junctions. In the left hand panel, a wild-type Sqh::UtrABD-GFP gut stained for Sox21a shows nuclear staining in the two enteroblasts, as well as strong staining of the septate junctions. The righthand panel shows a gut from Sox21a6 homozygote, in which the nuclear signal is lost, but the septate junctions are still labelled. The arrow points to an enteroblast with no nuclear Sox21a signal. (B) An enteroblast over-expressing Sox21a that has formed a PAC, while remaining esgts >GFP positive (green). Canoe in red and α-spectrin in greyscale. Scale bars = 5 µm. (C) Graph showing the percentage (lefthand y axis) of GFP+ve cells without a PAC (pink), with a PAC (blue) and with a full apical domain (green) at 0 hr, 17 hrs, 41 hrs and 65 hrs after induction of Sox 21 a expression. esgts-Gal4, UAS-Sox21a, UAS-mCD8GFP flies were placed at 25 °C to deactivate tub>Gal80ts. N shows the number of midguts analysed. The graph also shows the total number of GFP+ve cells (righthand y axis) at each time point.