A–C) The localisations of septate junction proteins are interdependent. Tsp2A (red) is lost from
meshR2 mutant cells (green;
A) and Mesh is not localised in
Tsp2A1-2 (
B) and s
sk2 mutant cells (
C). (
D) Sox21a (red) is expressed and then down-regulated in
meshR2 mutant enteroblasts as in wild-type. (
E–F) Representative images showing actin in two phenotypic classes of
Tsp2A1-2 mutant cells as in
Figure 8J: actin in polarised cells (
E) and unpolarised cells (
F). (
ssk2 mutant cells still polarise (
H), form a PAC (arrowhead in G) or an internal PAC (arrowhead in I) and occasionally reach the gut lumen (
J). Par-6, red. (
Tsp2A1-2 mutant enteroblasts (green) fall into three phenotypic classes: unpolarised (
K), with an internal PAC (
L) and weakly polarised (
M). (
Tsp2A1-2 mutant enteroblasts (green) still localise Talin to the basal domain. Scale bars = 5 µm. (
O) Graph showing the distribution of clone sizes in control
ssk, and
Tsp2a mutant MARCM flies. Mutant clones with 1–3 homozygous cells are shown in grey, 4–10 cells in pink and clones with over 10 cells in blue.