Comparative view of the Rz2 locus in Beta vulagrais spp. maritima (mar_scaffold106) (a), B. vulgaris (Bvchr3_un.sca001 of RefBeet‐1.2) (b), and Beta patula (pat_scaffold35) (c). The four tracks are: „CAU_markers” showing the matching positions of genetic markers from a previous study (Capistrano‐Gossmann et al., 2017), “Ns” showing regions that were masked before gene prediction or assembly gaps, „Rz2GeneMatch” showing the matching positions of Rz2 gene BmChr3_scaffold3841.g9573 from a previous B.v. maritima gene set, “pat_genes, RefBeet_genes, mar_genes” showing the current gene annotation of the respective assembly. Gene names are indicated lefthand to the genes. The Rz2 gene match (yellow) is interrupted in B. vulgaris (matching the genes z821 and z822) and B. patula (matching the gene pat_g748), whereas in B.v. maritima there is a contiguous match spanning the predicted gene mar_g1012.