Figure 1.
DCN neurons exhibit robust, slow spike frequency adaptation. Aa, Representative cell response to a 50 s depolarizing current step (200 pA) delivered to a DCN cell in whole-cell current clamp (top), the resulting voltage trace (middle), and the instantaneous firing frequency of spiking response (bottom). Ab, Expanded views of different periods of the voltage trace in Aa are shown (top), as well as the corresponding instantaneous firing frequencies (bottom). Expanded views of the same time points as immediately above for instantaneous firing rate. B, Example instantaneous firing frequencies for three different DCN cells that were depolarized for 50 s. Decay times and adaptation were determined as above. Decay times were determined from an exponential fit to the instantaneous firing frequency during the depolarization. Adaptation ratio (ss/peak) was calculated as the ss firing rate divided by the peak firing rate (peak). C, Average response to a 50 s current step for n = 22 DCN neurons (7 animals), with the SE overlaid and shaded in gray. D, Summary data for the peak and steady-state firing rates, decay times, and adaptation ratios (n = 48 cells). Data from responses to current steps of 50 and 30 s. E, Decay times and adaptation ratios as a function of initial firing frequency. F, Decay times and adaptation ratios for male (n = 28) and female (n = 20) mice. G, Decay times and adaptation ratios as a function of age.