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. 2022 Jun 9;75(2):195–209. doi: 10.1111/lam.13751

Table 1.

Summary of published denture microbiome studies and their key characteristics

Study Location Design Controls (no. patient’s) Cases (no. patient’s) Extraction method Storage Sequencer Region Accession Key findings
Campos et al. (2008) São Paulo, Brazil Cross‐Sectional Healthy (10) Denture stomatitis(10) QuickExtract NA ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyzer 16S AY672070‐76 Distinct differences in microbiome between health and disease
O'Donnell et al. (2015) and Delaney et al. (2019)* Glasgow, UK Cross‐Sectional Mucosa/plaque Denture (130) AGOWA mag Mini DNA Isolation Kit −80°C MiSeq 16S V4, ITS1 PRJNA324548 Distinct associations between Candida load, oral hygiene and microbiome
Shi et al. (2016) Los Angeles, USA Cross‐Sectional No denture stomatitis (10) Denture stomatitis (10) DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit NA 454 16S V1‐V3 PRJNA292354 Denture microbiome is reflective of that of teeth but identifiably distinct when comparing health and disease
Asakawa et al. (2018) Fukuoka, Japan Cross‐Sectional Tongue (506) Denture (137) IsoQuick −80°C Ion PGM 16S DRA006979 Diminished oral health and hygiene is reflected in the microbiota of the tongue
Yitzhaki et al. (2018) Ramat‐Aviv, Israel Cross‐Sectional NA Denture (26) Genomic DNA Mini Kit −20°C MiSeq 16S V3‐V4 On request Microbiome analysis suggests population distinction between olfactorily distinct samples
Nedumgottil (2018) Puducherry, India Cross‐Sectional NA Denture (88) NucleoSpin Microbial DNA mini kit NA NA 16S On request Denture wearers linked to co‐occurrence of Streptococcus mutans, Veillonella atypica, and Granulicatella adiacens
Morse et al. (2019) Cardiff, UK Cross‐Sectional No denture stomatitis (11) Denture stomatitis (8) Gentra PureGene Bact/Yeast DNA extraction kit −20°C MiSeq 16S V1‐V3 On request Reduced bacterial diversity may lead to dysbiosis in DS
Mukai et al. (2020) Yokohama, Japan Cross‐Sectional Saliva (8) Denture (8) ISOSPINE Fecal DNA Kit −80°C MiSeq 16S V3‐V4 PRJNA592277 Microbial diversity diminished on denture surface compared to saliva
Murugesan et al. (2020) Doha, Qatar Cross‐sectional Healthy (861) Denture (136) QIAsymphony −80°C MiSeq 16S V1‐V3 On request Streptococcus and Neisseria found to be more abundant in denture wearers
Fujinami et al. (2021) Nagoya, Japan Cross‐Sectional Plaque (16) Denture (30) MasterPure DNA Purification Kit −20°C MiSeq 16S V3‐V4 DRA011478 Pathogens associated with aspiration pneumonia were more commonly isolated from dentures
Grischke et al. (2021) Hannover, Germany Cross‐Sectional Healthy (372) Peri‐implantitis/denture (725) QIAshredder Mini Spin −80°C HiSeq ND PRJEB43417 Removable dentures are identifiable as a risk‐factor for peri‐implantitis

Two studies use same dataset for different analysis question.