More research is needed to further understand sex differences in cognitive decline in AD. Particularly, longitudinal studies with AD biomarker data are needed to track sex differences across the clinical trajectory of AD, since these differences seem to differ by disease/pathology stage.
It remains unknown whether sex differences in neuropsychiatric symptoms are driven by different underlying neurobiological mechanisms. This could inform sex‐specific treatment approaches, as it is currently unknown whether the response to pharmacological and non‐pharmacological interventions that target neuropsychiatric symptoms differs by sex/gender.
Further research is needed to better characterize sex differences in (1) the progression of AD pathology, (2) how the progression of different AD pathologies inter‐relate, and (3) how progression of AD pathology relates to cognitive decline across disease stages.
Few studies have examined sex differences in other factors that could contribute to differences in biomarker levels between females and males. For example, blood‐brain barrier permeability is greater in males than females, starting around the age of 6 years,
and can impact the concentrations of both blood and CSF‐related biomarkers.