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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Oct 4.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Metab. 2022 Aug 29;34(10):1548–1560.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2022.08.005


Rat monoclonal anti-Casp2 Enzo Life Science Cat# ALX-804-356; RRID: AB_2275199
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Casp2 Abcam Cat# Ab182657; RRID:
Mouse monoclonal anti-PIDD1 Adipogen Cat# AG-20B-0038-C100; RRID:
Rabbit polyclonal anti-PIDD1 Abcam Cat# Ab231315; RRID:
Rabbit polyclonal anti-RAIDD Proteintech Cat# 10401-1-AP; RRID:AB_2085477
Mouse monoclonal anti-SREBP1 Abcam Cat# ab3259; RRID: AB_303650
Rabbit polyclonal anti-SREBP2 Abcam Cat# ab30682; RRID:AB_779079
Mouse monoclonal anti-S1P Santa Cruz Technologies Cat# sc271916; RRID: AB_10610623
Rabbit polyclonal anti-INSIG2 ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# PA5-41707; RRID:AB_2576306
Rabbit polyclonal anti-p-IRE1 Novos Biologicals, LLC. Cat# NB100-2323; RRID:AB_10145203
Rabbit monoclonal anti-IRE1 Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3294; RRID:AB_10830732
Rabbit polyclonal anti-c/EBPbeta/LAP Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3087; RRID:AB_2260365
Rabbit polyclonal anti-ERK Cell Signaling Technology Cat#9 102; RRID: AB_330744
Rabbit polyclonal anti-ACC Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3662; RRID: AB_2219400
Rabbit monoclonal anti-FAS Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3180; RRID: AB_2100796
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Hmgcr Santa Cruz Technologies Cat#s c33827; RRID:AB_2118193
Rabbit monoclonal anti-PDI Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3501; RRID: AB_2156433
Rat monoclonal anti-HA Roche Cat# 1867431; RRID:AB_390918
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Flag Sigma Aldrich Cat# F7425; RRID: AB_439687
Mouse monoclonal anti-Tubulin Sigma Aldrich Cat# T5168; RRID: AB_477579
Mouse monoclonal anti-Myc tag Abcam Cat# Ab32; RRID:AB_303599
Rabbit monoclonal anti-V5 Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 13202; RRID:AB_2687461
Bacterial and virus strains
OmniMax™ 2 T1R Chemically competent cells ThermoFisher Scientific C854003
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
25-Hydroxycholesterol MedChemExpress Cat# HY-113134
Puromycin InvivoGen Cat# Ant-pr-1
Lipofectamine 3000 Transfection Reagent ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# L3000015
MKC3946 EMD Millipore Cat#532758
TRIzol Reagent Invitrogen Cat# 15596026
PNGaseF New England BioLabs Cat#P0704
EndoH New England BioLabs Cat#P0702
Nhe1 New England BioLabs Cat#R3131S
BamH1 New England BioLabs Cat#R3136S
Not1 New England BioLabs Cat#R3189S
EcoR1 New England BioLabs Cat#R3101S
Critical commercial assays
Triglyceride Quantification Kit Sigma Aldrich Cat# MAK266
Cholesterol Quantification Kit Sigma Aldrich Cat# MAK043
Mouse INSULIN ELIZA Kit Invitrogen Cat# EMINS
ATP Assay Kit Abcam Cat# Ab83355
Super Script VILO cDNA Synthesis Kit Scientific ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# 11754050
Deposited data
RNAseq This paper PRJNA775619
Data S1_Source Data This paper
Experimental models: Cell lines
HEK293 cells ATCC CRL-1573
PIDD1-ablated HEK293 cells This paper N/A
RAIDD-ablated HEK293 cells This paper N/A
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
Mouse: Casp2 flox This paper N/A
Mouse: Casp2−/− O’Reilly et al., 2002 N/A
Mouse: PIDD1−/− Manzl et al., 2009 N/A
Mouse: RAIDD−/− Berube et al., 2005 N/A
Mouse: SCAP flox Moon et al., 2011 N/A
Guide sequence against human PIDD1, see experimental model and subject details This paper N/A
Guide sequence against human CRADD, see experimental model and subject details This paper N/A
Primers for generation of PIDD1-Flag, PIDD1ΔDD-Flag, RAIDD-6HIS, and V5-SREBP2, see experimental model and subject details This paper N/A
Primers for analysis of mRNA analyses, see experimental model and subject details This paper N/A
Recombinant DNA
pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro System Bioscience Cat#CD500-CD700
plentiCRISPRv2 vector Sanjana et al., 2014 N/A
pCMV6-Myc-DDK-Cradd OriGene Technologies, Inc. Cat#MR202001
pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro-mCasp2-HA Kim J.Y et al., Cell 2018 N/A
pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro-mPIDD1-Flag This Paper N/A
pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro-mRAIDD-6HIS This Paper N/A
pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro-Myc-S1P Kim J.Y et al., Cell 2018 N/A
pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro-V5-mSREBP2 This Paper N/A
pEGFP-SCAP Nohturfft et al., 2000 (PMID: 10975522) N/A
Software and algorithms
Illustrator Adobe
Photoshop Adobe
Image J Open Source/National Institute of Health
GraphPad Prizm 7.0 software GraphPad Software. Inc.
Diet: Normal chow diet LabDiet Rodent Diet 5053
Diet: Cornstarch diet Research Diets, Inc. D12450K
Diet: Fructose diet Research Diets, Inc. D02022704K
Diet: High fat diet Bio-Serv S3282
Diet: Western Diet ENVIGO TD88137
Diet: D-(−)-Fructose Sigma Aldrich F3510
Diet: D-(+)-Glucose Sigma Aldrich G5767