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. 2021 Feb 15;53(6):506–512. doi: 10.1177/1550059421991688

Table 1.

Characteristics of the Included tDCS Studies.

Study Diagnosis Sample size (active/sham) Montage (anode/cathode) Intensity (mA) Duration (min) No. of sessions Evaluation Outcomes Results
Rassovsky et al21 Schizophrenia 37/37 F3/Fp2 2 20 2 Online MSCEIT, TASIT, EIT, EAT No significant effect
Brennan et al25 Depression 17/17 F3/contralateral supraorbital area 1.5 30 1 Online ERT Significant effects in emotion recognition
Rassovsky et al22 Schizophrenia 12/12 Fp1/Fp2 2 20 1 Online MSCEIT, TASIT, PONS, FEIT Significant effects in emotion recognition

Abbreviations: MSCEIT, Mayer–Salovey–Caruso emotional intelligence test; TASIT, the awareness of social inference test; EIT, emotion identification test; EAT, empathic accuracy task; ERT, emotion recognition task; PONS, profile of nonverbal sensitivity; FEIT, facial emotion identification test.

Each study21,22,25 used the same parameters among active and sham groups. “Significant effects in emotion recognition” meant that stimulation enhanced the ability to identify facial emotion based on photographs or videos.22,25