VG and PG/VG e-cig aerosols impair nasal CFTR function in vivo. (A) Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials diagram demonstrating the flow of participants and their samples used in this study. Compliance was defined as initiating at least 40 puffs per day with ≥ 200 s daily puff time. Nasal potential difference (NPD) recordings and nasal brushings were collected at baseline and Day 8. (B) Example NPD recordings from a volunteer who vaped VG e-liquid performed at initial (baseline) and final (Day 8) visits. (C) Before-after plots of nasal CFTR function (measured as change following “Zero Cl−” and “Isoproterenol” treatments) from all volunteers at baseline (BL) and at Day 8 after one week of vaping. n = 7. The reduction in nasal CFTR activity is seen in all volunteers who inhaled aerosol generated from e-liquids containing VG (PG/VG and VG only; n = 3).