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. 2022 Oct 8;12:100315. doi: 10.1016/j.resplu.2022.100315

Table 2.

Characteristics of the study population among studies included in the analysis.

Author/ Year of Publication N (Ca/No Ca) Age (YEARS) (MEAN ± SD) Sex M/F (%) Location OHCA/IHCA (%) Rhythm S/NS (%) Bystander or EMS witnessed (%) Time to ACLS Minutes (mean ± SD or median, IQR) Duration of ACLS (min) Calcium Dose Mean time to calcium¥ (Minutes, IQR)
Stueven 19835 42/168 66 ± 15 65/35 100/0 0/100 47 NA 30 NA 19 and 23*
Stueven 1985 (Asystole)8 39/34 65 ± 13 71/29 100/0 24.7/75.3 44 Ca 6.2 ± 4.9
Pl 6.6 ± 5.6
NA CaCl2 500 mg NA
Stueven 1985 (PEA)7 48/42 69 ± 13 63/37 100/0 34.4/64.5 61 Ca 4.3 ± 5.5
Pl 4.6 ± 4.8
NA CaCl2 500 mg NA
Stempien 198625 93/17 NA NA 100/0 0/100 NA NA NA CaCl2

1000 mg
George 198722 69/61 NA NA 0/100 NA NA NA Ca 38.8
No Ca 18.4
Stiell 199524 29/500 66 ± 13 66/34 46/54 32/68 83 NA NA NA 0.4 to 0.9⁰
van Walraven 199823 105/668 68.5 ± 14 57/43 0/100 32/68 80 1.4 NA NA NA
Snipilesky 201621 34/60 65 ± 11 53/47 0/100 8/92 NA 0 Ca 23.1
No Ca 16.2
0–6 g NA
Wang 201610 61/48 64.5 ± 17 58/42 0/100 7/93 68 NA NA NA 16.9
Vallentin 202111 193/198 68 ± 14 71/29 100/0 25/75 59 Ca 8 (4,12)└

Pl 8 (5,13)└
NA CaCl2
735 mg
17 (13,23)

Ca = Calcium; SD = Standard Deviation; EMS = Emergency Medical Service; M = Male; F = Female; OHCA = Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; IHCA = Intra-hospital cardiac arrest; S = Shockable; NS = Non-shockable; ACLS = Advanced Cardiac Life Support; NA = Not available; Pl = Placebo.

¥Mean time to calcium administration from the cardiac arrest onset.

*19 minutes for asystole and 23 minutes for pulseless electrical activity.

⁰Mean time to calcium after ACLS onset. The study did not provide the mean time to calcium from the cardiac arrest onset.

└Time to ambulance arrival (the study did not provide time to ACLS).