(A) Ifnar−/− BMMs were compared to B6 BMMs using the L. pneumophila growth/restriction assay as described in Fig. 1. Data represent three biological replicates (mice) per genotype, and error bars represent the standard error of the mean across five technical replicates (wells). p-values indicate the significance of the effect of genotype on bacterial growth over time under the conditions in each sub-panel, based on a linear mixed-effect model.
(B) Irf3−/−/Bcl2L12−/−/Irf7−/− (labeled IRF3/IRF7 DKO) and B6 BMMs were used in the L. pneumophila growth/restriction assay as described in Fig. 1, and were additionally treated with 50U IFNβ or mock-treated (vehicle) starting at 2hpi. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean across four to five technical replicates (wells). p-values indicate the significance of the effect of IFNβ treatment on bacterial growth over time under the conditions in each sub-panel, based on a linear mixed-effect model.