Figure 3.
A functional splicing RNA Map for ESRP1
(A) Splicing RNA Map of the distribution of ESRP1 CLIP peaks on alternatively spliced exons. The solid blue line shows the ESRP1 CLIP densities over ESRP1 downregulated exons, and the dotted blue line shows the significance of the peak at each position. The solid red line shows the ESRP1 CLIP densities of ESRP1 upregulated exons, with dotted red line indicating significance (p-value) of the binding at the position shown. (B) Voila plots, genome browser views showing ESRP1-binding (CLIP-Seq). and transcript levels (RNA-seq) of (B) Myo1b and (C) Plekha and ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel of RT-PCR products of ESRP1-regulated splicing event (red hatches indicate A5SS in Plekha1). Voila plots show differential exon inclusion between Control (CON) and Experimental (cDKO) conditions. CLIP-seq densities show CLIP and size-matched input, and transcript levels are from RNA sequence in epidermis ablated of Esrps and control epidermis. Positions of crosslink sites from PureCLIP for three replicate pairs and Piranha peaks are shown at the top.