Unrooted phylogenetic tree of group II and III
PPi-PFKs based on 167 shared amino-terminal residues
(between residues 2 and 204 in the P. freudenreichii
sequence). Taxon selection extended over the complete diversity present
in available databases. The arrow denotes a proposed gene duplication.
Close paralogs among chlamydiae, actinomycetales, and plants were
omitted for clarity. Database accession numbers follow the species
names. For the S. meliloti sequence, see
http://sequence.toulouse.inra.fr/meliloti.html. Eukaryotic species
names are in capital letters, and eubacterial species names are in
lowercase letters. A., Arabidopsis; M.t.,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis; S.c., Streptomyces
coelicolor. PPi specificity was established
biochemically for unmarked species; asterisks mark species not explored
biochemically, “ATP” indicates enzymes with ATP specificity, and
the question mark indicates a species for which the heterologously
expressed enzyme showed no PFK activity with either PPi or
ATP (9). For the long clade plant enzymes, α is the
regulatory subunit and β is the catalytic one. The maximum-likelihood
method with local rearrangements was utilized. Numbers at the nodes
give RELL bootstrap values (see text).