Extended Data Fig. 2 |. SiRNA drop out screen reveals sensitivity to MAT2A and AMD1 loss.
A. Graphical representation of data in (Fig. 3B) plotted to percent difference in viability against −log10(adjusted P-value) generated from multiple T-tests unpaired, using Holm-Šídák method for multiple comparisons. (Left most graph comparing H3K27MPP vs H3WTPP, center H3K27MPP vs NSC, right H3WTPP vs NSC). siRNA in red Adjusted P-value<0.05 and percent loss of viability >25%. B. Cell count of NPC, H3WTPP, and H3K27MPP cells treated with 5 μM of MAT2A Inhibitor (AGI-24512) for 5 days. Experiments were performed in biological replicates (n=3). Statistical analysis performed as two-tailed, unpaired T-test. Data displayed as mean ± s.e.m. (NPC vs. NPC+MAT2Ai p=0.071), (H3WTPP vs. H3WTPP+MAT2Ai p=0.4486), and (H3K27MPP vs. H3K27MPP+MAT2Ai ***p<0.0001). C. Cell count of NPC, H3WTPP, and H3K27MPP cells treated with 5 μM of AMD1 inhibitor SAM426 for 5 days. Experiments were performed in biological replicates (n=3). Statistical analysis performed as two-tailed, unpaired T-test. Data displayed as mean ± s.e.m. (NPC vs. NPC+AMD1i p>0.9999), (H3WTPP vs. H3WTPP+AMD1i p=0.3248), and (H3K27MPP vs. H3K27MPP+AMD1i ***p<0.0001). D. Western blot comparing MAT2A and AMD1 expression in Histone H3 variant doxycycline inducible NPCs.