To develop a usability checklist for public health dashboards.
Materials and methods
This study systematically evaluated all publicly available dashboards for sexually transmitted infections on state health department websites in the United States (N = 13). A set of 11 principles derived from the information visualization literature were used to identify usability problems that violate critical usability principles: spatial organization, information coding, consistency, removal of extraneous ink, recognition rather than recall, minimal action, dataset reduction, flexibility to user experience, understandability of contents, scientific integrity, and readability. Three user groups were considered for public health dashboards: public health practitioners, academic researchers, and the general public. Six reviewers with usability knowledge and diverse domain expertise examined the dashboards using a rubric based on the 11 principles. Data analysis included quantitative analysis of experts’ usability scores and qualitative synthesis of their textual comments.
The dashboards had varying levels of complexity, and the usability scores were dependent on the dashboards’ complexity. Overall, understandability of contents, flexibility, and scientific integrity were the areas with the most major usability problems. The usability problems informed a checklist to improve performance in the 11 areas.
The varying complexity of the dashboards suggests a diversity of target audiences. However, the identified usability problems suggest that dashboards’ effectiveness for different groups of users was limited.
The usability of public health data dashboards can be improved to accommodate different user groups. This checklist can guide the development of future public health dashboards to engage diverse audiences.
Keywords: user-centered design, public health informatics, data visualization
Increased data availability following open government data movements and enhanced visualization technology1 have led to the proliferation of public health data dashboards. Data dashboards employ data visualization technology to provide information for non-technical users, encourage evidence-based practices, and expand the use of public health surveillance data beyond traditional audiences.2 However, current practices for displaying information to diverse audiences have not been adopted fully.3–5
Previous evaluations of public health data visualizations found severe usability problems that could limit their usefulness for their target audiences. A review of several COVID-19 dashboards for people with low vision found that charts had incompatibility problems with keyboard interfaces, poor text alternatives, and insufficient color contrast.6 An evaluation of the usability of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) contact tracing applications found that most applications were not usable for users who do not speak English or have limited digital literacy skills.7
Although the gold standard usability evaluation is user testing,8 evaluating the usability of public health dashboards with end-users is challenging because of the diversity of users and use cases.4,9 Therefore, usability checklists and principles can be useful to guide their development. For example, academic researchers might use dashboards for exploratory data analysis, while public health practitioners might use dashboards for routine and sometimes urgent tasks.10 For common infectious diseases, such as influenza, audiences might expand to government officials, schools, hospital administrators, long-term care facilities, and the general public.11 The wide audience of public health dashboards complicates identifying a representative sample of users and conducting user testing. Multiple studies found comparable usability problems identified by users or a group of evaluators using usability principles,12–15 suggesting that usability principles can provide an inexpensive substitute for traditional user testing.
A recent study published a usability checklist for health information visualization; however, the checklist was tailored to clinical data dashboards.16 Many usability principles for clinical data dashboards are transferrable to public health dashboards, such as employing best practices for creating charts, using familiar terminology, and organizing information logically.16 However, public health dashboards provide population-level data and have more diverse use cases than clinical data dashboards, which require special considerations. For example, while clinical data dashboards may be used for diagnosis and care management of individual patients, public health dashboards have broader uses such as policy-making, education, or empowering communities.2 Therefore, special usability considerations are required on public health dashboards to help diverse users navigate the dashboard and find relevant information for their specific use.
This study developed a usability checklist for public health dashboards via 2 specific aims: (1) to evaluate dashboards to find common violations of usability principles (hereafter, “usability problems” for consistency with the literature) using a set of principles from information visualization literature; and (2) to use evaluators’ qualitative comments to develop a usability checklist for future dashboards. To compare different information displays on a similar topic in detail, this study focused on public health dashboards for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs are an important public health issue in the United States, with rising infection rates and substantial healthcare-related costs.17,18 Current gaps in provider communication about sexual health19 make it particularly useful to have this information in a digestible format. The usability principles were chosen from the information visualization literature to avoid domain-specific principles and provide a checklist that could be generalizable to other diseases.
Three dashboard user groups were considered: public health practitioners, academic researchers, and the general public, each of whom include both domain experts and non-domain experts. Based on the authors’ experience developing a state dashboard for STIs20 and studying the development of open health data platforms,21,22 these groups are frequently considered by developers of public health data dashboards. The evaluation rubric included items that addressed the perspectives of domain experts (eg, appropriate measures and sufficient granularity), and non-domain experts (eg, explanation of technical terms and guidance for interpretation). Furthermore, the evaluation rubric included items for persons with color vision deficiency, mobile users, and those with low-speed internet. This study did not evaluate the usability of the dashboards for persons with low vision, non-English language speakers, or people with limited digital literacy skills because prior research assessed the accessibility of public health dashboards and provided guidelines for considering accessibility for persons with disabilities.6,7,23
First, a rubric was prepared by the first author (BA) and pilot-tested and finalized by both authors (BA and EGM) based on an existing set of principles in the information visualization literature. Second, 6 expert reviewers (BA, EGM, and 4 additional reviewers), all with knowledge of usability and information visualization and diverse domain expertise and public health experience, used the rubric to evaluate the STI dashboards. Third, their usability scores and textual comments were analyzed by the first author (BA) and reviewed by EGM to identify specific areas for improvement and prepare a general usability checklist for public health dashboards.
The sample comprised all available STI dashboards on the state health department websites (N = 13, as of June 1, 2021). To locate STI dashboards, the first author (BA) hand searched states’ government websites and STI-related keywords (eg, “Massachusetts AND [sexually transmitted infections OR sexually transmitted diseases OR STD OR STI OR HIV OR AIDS]”). The hand search was done in May 2021, using the Google Chrome browser. All 50 states and the District of Columbia were included in the search. Websites were included if they had a data dashboard with STI statistics. The included states were: Arizona, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Only state health department dashboards were considered because US state health departments receive data from local jurisdictions, allowing for more robust dashboards than single-county dashboards. State health departments typically have more expert staff than local health departments, with more capacity to develop complex data dashboards. Although variations exist, local health departments usually have limited staff, expertise, and IT infrastructure, making their websites less comparable to state departments for a systematic evaluation.24,25
Table 1 displays the principles and considerations used in the rubric, which were adopted from the information visualization literature26 with some revisions to this study’s context. The information visualization literature offers different sets of principles.26–31 This study started with Forsell and Johansson’s heuristic set26 because these principles incorporate those identified in past research. Forsett and Johansson’s set comprises spatial organization, information coding, consistency, removal of extraneous ink, recognition rather than recall, prompting, dataset reduction, minimal action, flexibility, and help and documentation. In consultation with the second author (EGM), the first author (BA) made 3 revisions to these principles to adjust for this study’s intended user groups (public health practitioners, academic researchers, and the public, who include both domain experts and non-domain experts). First, help and documentation were separated into (1) scientific integrity (providing information about data sources and modeling assumptions for domain expert users) and (2) understandability (providing information about the context and interpretations for non-domain experts). Second, similar to a previous usability checklist developed for clinical dashboards,16 each principle was placed into the context of public health data dashboards. The questions were not exhaustive, and evaluators were reminded that the questions’ purpose was to guide their thinking rather than provide a checklist. Third, after completing the evaluation, the “prompting” principle was merged into “recognition rather than recall” because evaluators expressed confusion between these principles and the inapplicability of “prompting” in less interactive dashboards. Supplementary Appendix S1 shows the complete list of principles.
Table 1.
Usability evaluation rubric
Usability principles | Considerations |
Spatial organization |
Information coding |
Consistency |
Remove extraneous ink |
Recognition rather than recall |
Minimal action |
Dataset reduction |
Flexibility (consideration of user experience with similar websites) |
Scientific integrity (for domain experts) |
Understandability of contents (for non-domain experts) |
Readability |
Note: See Supplementary Appendix S1 for the instructions provided to evaluators, specific questions used in the rubric, and definitions of the usability principles.
The scoring system, adapted from previous studies,32 had 5 levels: (1) no usability problem, (2) cosmetic problem (ie, it need not be fixed unless extra time is available), (3) minor usability problem (ie, low priority usability problem), (4) major usability problem (ie, high priority usability problem), and (5) usability catastrophe (ie, critical problems to fix). In the analysis, the categories of cosmetic and minor problems, and major problems and catastrophes, were combined to facilitate the interpretation of the findings. Cosmetic problems and usability catastrophes were scored infrequently, and combining them with other levels did not impact findings.
The evaluators comprised 3 university faculty members (EGM, XY, and LL-R), a state health department employee (RH-M), and 2 doctoral students (BA and PL); see the acknowledgments for reviewer names. Three evaluators had STI and public health domain expertise (BA, EGM, and RH-M), of whom one works primarily in public health practice (RH-M) and a second has over a decade of experience leading collaborative academic research projects with public health practice partners (EGM). Reviewers’ highest degrees were in public health (EGM and RH-M) and information science (BA, LL-R, PL, and XY). Three evaluators represented non-domain experts (PL, LL-R, and XY) and had other domain expertise, including digital government (LL-R) and human–computer interaction (PL and XY). An evaluator with direct clinical care experience was not included because this evaluation was focused on public health dashboards rather than clinical dashboards. Furthermore, all evaluators were knowledgeable in usability and data visualization. A layperson representing the general public was not included because the evaluation was an expert review requiring evaluators with usability knowledge.33 The usability literature suggests that persons with different expertise would likely find different usability problems depending on their past experiences with similar products.29,33 This group of experts with diverse domain expertise and practitioner versus researcher experience could evaluate the dashboards from different perspectives and provide a comprehensive usability checklist for varied audiences.
Data collection
The rubric was pilot-tested by both authors for understandability and ease of use. Each evaluator independently applied the finalized rubric to the dashboards with all reviews completed during July and August 2021. To ensure consistency in coding experiences and that diverging opinions were due to evaluators’ unique perspectives and not their method of viewing the dashboards, evaluators used the Chrome browser and a PC or laptop. To increase the generalizability of the identified usability problems, evaluators were asked to check whether the dashboard is mobile-friendly using their phones or Chrome’s “toggle device” toolbar to simulate how web pages look on mobile devices.
Data analysis
Evaluation of STI dashboards: The intensity of usability problems, by principle, was quantified by calculating the percentage of major, minor, and no usability problems among all scores given by the 6 evaluators across the 13 dashboards. Consistent with the usability literature, inter-rater reliability analysis was not conducted because the coding exercise’s purpose was to find diverse and numerous usability problems rather than reach a consensus between evaluators on a limited number of problems.29,33
Development of the usability checklist: Evaluators’ qualitative comments about the 11 principles for the 13 dashboards were organized into an Excel spreadsheet, with each comment in a separate row and additional columns to denote the associated principle, dashboard, and whether the evaluator scored that principle as having a major, minor, or no usability problem. The first author (BA) filtered comments by principle and major versus minor usability problems to synthesize occasional or frequent comments related to different principles. The usability principles remained unchanged from the evaluation rubric, which was prepared based on the established literature and pilot testing. The final usability checklist was developed using the synthesized comments to refine specific considerations within each principle and to classify them as major versus minor usability problems.
Evaluation of STI dashboards
Table 2 displays dashboard characteristics. Dashboard names are suppressed to avoid comparison between state programs and remain respectful of the voluntary nature of these dashboards and competing time demands of public health agencies, following recommendations from several public health practitioners. Five dashboards were general data dashboards with information on different diseases, and 8 were specific to HIV/STI information. There were no major differences between the specific and generic dashboards regarding visualizations or interactive features. The organization of information varied, with some dashboards presenting all information on a single page divided into sections and others spreading information across multiple pages. The most common visualizations were thematic maps of counties for geographical comparisons, bar charts to compare males versus females or different racial and ethnic groups, line charts for annual trends, and tables. The visualizations were accompanied by filters and other interactive features such as hovering and show/hide effects. The complexity of data dashboards was determined by the available visualizations, filters, and other interactive features excluding filters. Four dashboards provide downloadable data.
Table 2.
Characteristics of 13 state-level data dashboards for sexually transmitted infections, ranked from the fewest to the most identified major usability problems
Usability rank (1 = fewest major problems) | Generic or STI/HIV specifica | Organization of information | Complexity |
Downloadable data | ||
Available visualizations | Available filters | Interactive features (except filter) | ||||
Dashboard 1 | Specific | Multiple pages, each with a map for a specific STI |
Hover effect | No |
Dashboard 2 | Specific | Single page with one interactive chart |
Hover effect | No |
Dashboard 3 | Generic | Single page with multiple tabs showing different visualizations of a selected disease |
Hover effect | Yes |
Dashboard 4 | Generic | Single page with 2 sections including different visualizations for the selected disease |
Show or hide | Yes |
Dashboard 5 | Generic | Single page with 2 sections including different visualizations for the selected disease |
Show or hide | Yes |
Dashboard 6 | Specific | Single page with an interactive section and multiple tabs with infographics on different STIs |
Show or hide, hover effect | No |
Dashboard 7 | Generic | Single page with multiple tabs (introduction, overview, table, map) |
Filter #1:
Filter #2:
Hover effect | No |
Dashboard 8 | Specific | Single page with different visualizations of HIV data |
Filters #1:
Filters #2:
Sort, hover effect | No |
Dashboard 9 | Specific | Single page with 2 sections: a chart and a table for the selected county; a map and table for the state |
Filters #1:
Filters #2:
Hover effect | Yes |
Dashboard 10 | Specific | Single page with 3 sections including different visualizations of HIV, PrEP,b and services |
— | Show or hide, hover effect | No |
Dashboard 11 | Specific | Multiple pages for different HIV statistics (persons living with HIV or newly diagnosed) |
— | No |
Dashboard 12 | Specific | Multiple pages with different visualizations of STI data |
— | Yes |
Dashboard 13 | Generic | Multiple pages for state or county data, each containing multiple tabs for map, table, and charts |
— | Yes |
Generic dashboard refers to the ones that contain information about different diseases, while specific dashboards only contain information about STIs or HIV.
PrEP = Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, a medication to protect people at risk of HIV.
Figure 1 displays the relative frequency of experts’ scores. For each principle, experts identified major and minor usability problems. The 3 principles with the most frequent major usability problems were: flexibility of user experience (39.0% of the given scores were major usability problems), understandability of contents (38.5% major usability problems), and scientific integrity (35.1% major usability problems). The 3 principles with the fewest usability problems were: removing extraneous ink (57.9% of the given scores were no usability problem), minimal action (57.1% no usability problem), and consistency (54.5% no usability problem).
Figure 1.
Relative frequency of usability problems on sexually transmitted infections dashboards in the United States. Some problems are double-counted if mentioned by multiple evaluators. The percentages are calculated across 6 evaluators and 13 dashboards (maximum = 78). For example, 39% major usability problem for flexibility means that flexibility of dashboards had major usability problems in 30 out of 78 given scores.
The evaluated dashboards in Table 2 are ranked based on the frequency of usability problems classified as major. Dashboards 1 through 5 were the most usable; however, they had limited complexity and were less suitable for public health practice because they either had very few visualizations or no demographic filtering for population comparisons. Dashboards 6 through 9 had fair usability and appropriate complexity that was achieved through multiple visualizations, filtering, or other features such as the hover effect. Dashboards 10 through 13 had appropriate complexity but the lowest usability. Unlike Dashboards 6 through 9, their complexity was achieved through the availability of multiple static visualizations or filters rather than interactive features.
Development of the usability checklist
Table 3 displays the usability checklist derived from synthesizing the evaluators’ qualitative comments regarding identified usability problems on the examined dashboards. For example, under the consistency principle, consideration of consistent periods was based on an evaluator’s comment, “I was expecting that the interactive dashboard would have the same information as the static ones, but interactive. The static, however, have information until 2018, and the newer information is in the interactive one, which is like having two dashboards instead of one.” As another example, consideration of the consistent arrangement of data entry fields resulted from multiple comments from different evaluators: “Filters are located above the visuals, but impact each visual differently, if at all” and “There is no consistency in terms of how menus are structured or where they are placed.” A selection of the evaluators’ qualitative comments is available in Supplementary Appendix S2.
Table 3.
Usability checklist for public health dashboards
Spatial organization | |
Major considerations |
Minor considerations |
Information coding | |
Major considerations |
Minor considerations |
Consistency | |
Major considerations |
Minor considerations |
Remove extraneous ink | |
Major considerations |
Minor considerations |
Recognition rather than recall | |
Major considerations |
Minor considerations |
Minimal action | |
Major considerations |
Minor considerations |
Dataset reduction | |
Major consideration |
Flexibility | |
Major considerations |
Scientific integrity | |
Major considerations |
Understandability | |
Major considerations |
Readability | |
Major considerations |
Note: Major considerations have high priority for fixing, and minor considerations have low priority for fixing. NA: not applicable.
The checklist’s 11 categories correspond to the 11 principles in the rubric. The checklist under each principle is separated into major and minor considerations. For example, major spatial organization considerations include unique formats for headings and titles, hierarchical relationships between headings and subheadings, consistency between headings and content, the spread of textual information and visualizations throughout the dashboard, and navigation between the views in dashboards with multiple views. Minor spatial organization considerations include avoiding long layouts, presenting similar visuals on the same side of the screen, clear positions for drop-down menus, checking visualizations for potential occlusion or blockage of information, and clarifying the navigation and the total number of pages in a multi-page dashboard. These considerations are presented in a question format to facilitate their use. The checklist is intended for finding and fixing potential usability problems with a public health dashboard. It is not intended for quantitative usability evaluation and comparison of dashboards because the included usability considerations originate from qualitative comments. A user-friendly version of the checklist with instructions is available in Supplementary Appendix S3.
This study systematically evaluated the usability of STI dashboards on US state health department websites. The evaluated dashboards had varying complexity, which impacted their usability scores. The most major usability problems were in 3 areas: understandability of contents, the flexibility of user experience, and scientific integrity. The fewest usability problems were in 3 areas: removing extraneous ink, minimal action, and consistency. The usability problems informed a checklist to help future designers avoid common usability problems on public health dashboards.
The varying complexity of the evaluated dashboards suggests the dashboards might have been developed for a diversity of target audiences and strategic orientations. Most of the major usability problems were found in the 3 areas related to the diversity of targeted users (ie, understandability of contents for non-domain experts, scientific integrity for domain expert users, and the flexibility of user experience), which suggests that dashboards’ effectiveness for multiple end-users was limited. Evaluators’ scores and comments identified trade-offs between the usability dimensions. The complex dashboards containing many visualizations and interactivity received high scientific integrity scores because they presented information important for domain experts interested in specific populations but received lower scores for understandability for non-domain experts and readability for mobile users. In contrast, simple dashboards with few visualizations or interactivity received high understandability scores, but their low scientific integrity scores indicated their information is less useful for domain experts. These findings suggest that the evaluated dashboards have major usability problems for the diverse targeted audience of public health dashboards identified in previous studies.3,10,11 To balance complexity and other usability dimensions, such as readability and understandability, future dashboards should be evaluated with different user groups, including both domain experts and non-domain experts.
Three groups of dashboard users were considered in this study: public health practitioners, academic researchers, and the general public, each of whom may have varying levels of domain expertise. These users have different purposes, including exploratory data analyses (academic researchers), data-driven decision-making (public health practitioners),10 and education or personal risk assessment (general public).11 This study considered users’ different needs in 2 ways. First, the expert reviewers had varying domain expertise and professional experience in public health practice versus academic research. Ensuring these viewpoints and experiences were present among experts was important because domain experts are accustomed to viewing similar charts and, therefore, may find different usability problems than non-domain experts. Second, the usability checklist included items that addressed the perspectives of multiple users. The scientific integrity principle, critical for many public health practitioners and academic researchers, included items, such as the use of appropriate measures and sufficient granularity. Anticipating that non-domain experts and the general public would require more information to interpret each chart,34 the checklist included items, such as the explanation of technical terms and guidance for interpretation under the understandability of contents principle.
In contrast to previous usability evaluations,6,7,11 this study evaluated public health data dashboards with different levels of complexity which yielded interesting findings regarding the relationship between complexity and usability of data dashboards. The identified usability problems depended on the level of dashboard complexity. Some items were identified as usability problems on complex dashboards but not on simple dashboards. For example, improving the understandability of contents was more urgent on complex dashboards but improving scientific integrity was a more critical problem on simple dashboards. These findings suggest that specific considerations are needed to avoid losing complexity while developing usable dashboards.
The usability checklist extends the existing guidelines for creating usable dashboards and systematically evaluating the existing dashboards. For example, a well-known set of dashboard design guidelines35 comprise 4 rules: (1) information should be organized based on its meaning and use (eg, business functions for a business dashboard), (2) dashboard sections should be visually consistent to help users gain a quick interpretation, (3) viewing experiences should be aesthetically pleasing to communicate messages simply and clearly (eg, using less saturated colors and readable text), and (4) dashboards should provide a high-level insight which is supplemented with additional information through drill-down or filtering abilities. In addition to these rules, the current study’s usability checklist includes specific items for each rule and additional rules that might be more relevant to public health dashboards (eg, understandability of contents and flexibility).
The usability checklist can guide the development of future public health data dashboards; however, some additional points need to be considered when making complex public health data dashboards. The ideal public health dashboard should have few usability problems and extensive complexity. The need for more complexity in public health dashboards was documented in previous user-centered design studies, which found that public health dashboards need to provide detailed information to support the analysis tasks required by their users.20,36–38 However, users without domain expertise have been absent in previous requirement assessment studies. Moreover, the information visualization literature recommends filtering or faceting methods to deal with complexity, while retaining usability.39 The current study found that neither method alone could achieve a usable and complex dashboard. Instead, dashboards that used both methods achieved a balance of usability and complexity, which might optimize the usefulness of public health dashboards for non-domain experts and domain experts. Another consideration for using the checklist is attention to new techniques and principles. General usability principles, such as consistency and flexibility, have remained unchanged over time.8 However, some specific principles might change when new techniques are introduced, or users get accustomed to new features on common products. For example, guiding users to navigate the system and find interaction possibilities might become less important as users get accustomed to interactive dashboards. Future dashboard designers should consider these changes when using this checklist.
This study had several limitations. First, STI dashboards might have different strategic orientations and target audiences. This evaluation did not consider the differences between strategic goals and target user groups. Second, although the evaluators comprised a diverse group (with respect to discipline, domain expertise, and academic research versus public health practice experience) and used established principles for evaluation, their perspectives may not be representative of all stakeholders. Third, this study’s focus on STIs in the United States might limit generalizability. However, the usability principles were not domain-specific and selected from the information visualization literature to limit the generalizability concern. Fourth, consistent with the usability literature, an inter-rater reliability analysis was not conducted on the evaluators’ given scores.29,33 It is common in quantitatively-oriented studies (eg, quality assessments for systematic reviews, developing new measures, or assessing diagnostic tools) to have larger sample sizes and test inter-rater reliability. However, these practices are not common in usability evaluations because the focus is on identifying as many usability problems as possible rather than reaching a consensus. Prior published usability evaluations examined only a few websites and 3–5 evaluators with similar expertise.6,7,11 Compared to those usability evaluations, the current study used a larger sample of dashboards, evaluators with more diverse expertise, and detailed qualitative comments in addition to usability scores to expand the generalizability of findings. Fifth, we did not evaluate the accessibility of STI dashboards for persons with disabilities, and the final checklist does not include an accessibility dimension, which could be explored in more detail in future research.
Public health data dashboards should consider usability principles to provide a positive user experience for different audiences, including domain experts and non-domain experts. This study systematically evaluated data dashboards of STIs on US state health department websites to provide a usability checklist. The checklist can guide the development of future public health data dashboards. Furthermore, these findings can be used to guide future designers of public health data dashboards to balance usability and complexity.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Both authors conceived the study, finalized the rubric, and conducted usability evaluations. BA directed the research, conducted the analysis, and wrote the initial draft. EGM reviewed the results and revised the manuscript for intellectual content.
Supplementary material is available at Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association online.
Supplementary Material
We are grateful to Rachel Hart-Malloy (New York State Department of Health), Xiaojun Yuan, Luis Luna-Reyes, and Ping Li (University at Albany), who generously took the time to evaluate the dashboards. Their scores and qualitative comments were integrated to develop the usability checklist.
None declared.
Contributor Information
Bahareh Ansari, Center for Policy Research, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA; Center for Collaborative HIV Research in Practice and Policy, School of Public Health, University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA.
Erika G Martin, Center for Policy Research, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA; Center for Collaborative HIV Research in Practice and Policy, School of Public Health, University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA; Department of Public Administration and Policy, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA.
Data Availability
The data underlying this article will be shared on reasonable request to the corresponding author.
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