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. 2022 Sep 10;1(4):pgac187. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac187

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Theoretical Expectations of RH. (A) Simulated expectations of RH from 800 simulated barcodes under different cotransmission (red, “cotx”) and superinfection models (blue, “super”). The legend indicates the initial COI used. The 1x, 2x, and 3x notations indicate the expected RH values after the first, second, and third cotransmission events. The dotted red line indicates an RH of 0.3, which is the threshold used to identify cotransmission events. The doted black lines indicate an RH of 0.0, which is the expectation from a COI = 2 superinfection. Superinfection was simulated by randomly sampling monogenomic samples according to the specified COI. (B) The proportion of serial cotransmission events with COI 2 to 5 identified as cotransmission when defining cotransmission as an RH > 0.3. Shading indicates the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval. (C) The proportion of superinfection events with COI 2 to 4 identified as cotransmission when defining cotransmission as an RH > 0.3. Shading indicates the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval.