Fig. 3.
Solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy of membrane lipids provides both lineshape data and relaxation times yielding information about structure and dynamics. a Inversion recovery of 2H nuclear magnetization for random DMPC-d54/cholesterol (1:1) multilamellar dispersion in the liquid-ordered phase at T = 44 °C showing partially relaxed 2H NMR spectra. b Deconvolved (de-Paked) 2H NMR spectra corresponding to bilayer normal parallel to magnetic field (θ = 0°). The sample contained 20 mM Tris buffer at pH 7.3 (50 wt% H2O). Data were acquired at 76.8 MHz using a phase-cycled, inversion-recovery quadrupolar-echo pulse sequence, π − t1 − (π /2)x − τ − (π/2)y − t2 (acquire), where t1 is a variable delay ranging from 5 ms (bottom) to 3 s (top). Adapted from Ref. (Martinez et al. 2002b)